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The air was crisp and sharp Hades noted as he took another stinging deep breath in. Or maybe it was his nervousness that sharpened his senses. It had taken Hermes several days to arrange a meeting with Hera. Even then it quickly became clear that this meeting would have to occur in secret. They agreed to meet near Heraion, one of Hera's temples outside Olympia. While Hades had been resistant to meeting so close to Olympus, Hermes assured him it was best option to meet Hera discreetly. He glanced at the goddess by his side. Hecate had wrapped Persephone in a simple grey tunic with a shawl covering her head. While the Goddess of Witchcraft had clearly been trying to blend the Goddess of war into the mortals, even in muted tones she looked brilliant. 

It was then that she caught him staring but both just exchanged smiles as they stood hidden in the tree line. Everything was on the line here. The simple fact that they were meeting in secret meant that Hera knew Zeus would not approve of their marriage request. That he would possible be asking Hera to commit treason against her husband, again. Or worse, that Hera would turn them down. 

The sun had not fully risen but Hades could see the temple well. Stairs surrounded the structure leading up to large columns encasing the rectangular building. Within the columns where internal walls making it difficult to see inside. While he was aware this was one of Hera's first temples, he had never been to it before. Silks of indigo and violet hung from a few pikes symbolizing the peacock. They swayed gently in the morning breeze. Hades always thought it funny the fates hadn't destined the flamboyant bird to Aphrodite but instead they belonged to the Goddess of Marriage. Who was also the Queen of the Heavens. Who was also his Brother's wife. Who was also late. 

Hades was about to gripe about waiting hidden in the trees when he felt Hera's presence. A ring of gold shimmered next to him before Hera stepped out of the ether. She too donned muted garb and as soon as she appeared Hades noted her look of concern. "King of the Underworld" Hera nodded to him before scanning to his right to see Persephone. He noticed the smile that flash across Hera's face upon seeing the women next to him, "Goddess of War" Hera added.  Before either could respond Hera continued, "I thought this day may never come, Aidoneus". Her tone was flat and unreadable. Hades pursed his lips to suppress any sort of defensive tone. He felt Persephone's nervous energy beside him. 

"And yet you have not heard my request" he replied, trying to match her impassive words. Hera regarded him for a moment. Her gaze flipped back to Persephone before returning to him with a small smile. "Apologizes for the assumption, please continue Polydegmon". The tension seemed to lighten. Back in the Titanomachy he felt that he knew Hera well. But other the years, and especially after her failed coup against Zeus, he felt like he knew her less and less. Her mood here was no exception. 

"I wish to marry Persephone, Daughter of Sparta and Goddess of War. To bestow upon her all the rights and titles of Queen of the Underworld." He felt his back straighten with pride at the proclamation. Finally Hera smiled brightly before turning to Persephone. "And you, young Goddess. Do you accept Hades offer?" He was surprised that Hera asked her and could tell Persephone was equally unprepared. But Hera long felt that the rights and opinions of women were too often ignored. A sentiment he understood. A pang of fear swept over Hades when his beloved goddess didn't answer but appeared to look thoughtfully at him. 

"I do" she finally spoke with conviction. 

"Do you understand all that being the Queen of the Underworld entails?" Hera added. While the question was for Persephone, the Goddess of Marriage looked at Hades. Shame rippled through him. He knew what she was asking; if Persephone was aware that once this happened, she would be forever tainted. A creature of the darkness. Of death and decay. Being his partner would ruin her for any other man for who would want a women who was claimed by death himself. A flicker of anger crossed him mind at Hera for asking such a question. For trying to discourage Persephone. But it was just as quickly replaced with acceptance. She needed to know what being his wife would mean. And he wouldn't marry her without her full understanding. While he had confided all he knew to her over the past few days, he still couldn't look at her and instead cast his eyes to the ground. Feeling his breath as he awaited her response. 

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