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Persephone found herself standing at the base of a large mountain. Or, what looked like a mountain. The only difference was that this one had a pillar of smoke rising from the top of it. There were no volcanos around Sparta and she was unsure what to expect. She remembered hearing stories that volcanos erupted liquid fire if the mortals upset Zeus. So much credit given to the King of the Heavens through no virtue of his own. She, Hades, Hecate, and Thanatos had used the ether to travel there. Since she had never been and was still learning how to move through it, she had been all to eager to let Thanatos take her when he offered to join. In truth, she was still feeling embarrassed of literally throwing herself at Hades and was thankful to not be alone with him. Or pressed up against him to travel via the ether. Why did he insist on her joining them here anyway?

"Are you okay?" Thanatos' question brought her back to reality. "Oh yes. I just...this wasn't what I expected a volcano to look like." She replied as she bent down and picked up several jagged black pieces of stone. One was angry and porous while another was smooth and almost transparent. The second seemed oddly familiar. "That's called Ignis. It was once lava that erupted but then cooled and solidified when exposed to the surface air" Thanatos spoke answering her unspoken question.

"Is this the same rock that Tartarus is made of?" she asked rolling the smooth black stone in her palm. "The very same!" the God of Death replied in an amused tone. She hummed thoughtfully to herself before tucking the piece of black stone in her himation. Her Father would be most interested in seeing it. She looked back towards the top of the mountain where Hades and Hecate appeared to be inspecting the smoke billowing from the top. She couldn't help but feel Thanatos' prying gaze upon her. As if he knew something had transpired between herself and The King of the Underworld. "You know, I can always take you back to Sparta" he spoke softly to her. She looked away from Hades and to the dark winged God before her. "I know. Thank you" she replied. While she had not known him long, she trusted him. And he was a calming presence much like Charon. 

"Forgive me if I am speaking boldly, but can we expect you to be remaining in the Underworld for the time being?" he asked as he stretched out his massing wings. So much for him being a calming presence. At once the question bristled her. She folded her arms over her chest and once more looked up the mountain at Hades and Hecate. "Life as I knew it has changed forever. I am taking things day by day. Hades' just woke up but I am sure once the underworld is safe I will return to the mortal world." After no response she looked at Thanatos, his lips pursed in disapproval. "I doubt Zeus will give up trying to kill me just because his plan with Sisyphus failed and I can't put the Underworld at risk of war. The underworld is just recovering and it's inhabitants don't need to be embroiled in a war over a goddess from the upperworld." She added with conviction. Thanatos's face lightened before he looked towards the King of the Underworld who was still inspecting the plumbs of smoke pouring from the mountain. 

"I understand, goddess. The choice is yours. But also understand that the underworld has a choice too. And trust me when I say, Hades isn't the only Chthonic god who has a grudge with Zeus." She could have sworn the Psychopomp winked at her before opening his large wings and in a single flap, raising to the air. In an instant he swooped down, scooped her up by the waist and proceeded to fly up the mountain towards Hades. It was so fast she didn't have time to react before being gracefully deposited down near the King. Hades shot Thanatos a murderous glare. She couldn't tell if it was jealously for touching her or for putting her in his way. 

"Well she can't help inspect the volcanos from a mile away" The God of Death shrugged with a smile towards his King. She watched as the winged god simply folded his wings and sauntered away towards Hecate who appeared to be holding a piece of glass over some of the rising smoke. Persephone squeezed her fists in discomfort before looking at Hades. Again feeling a slight blush sweep across her cheeks. She was about to make a self-deprecating joke about getting out of his way when he smiled boldly. "Well then, lets put you to work" he said as he clapped his hands together. She stood frozen for a moment before he gently puller her towards him with her elbow. 

"You remember the lake of fire that surrounds Tartarus, right?" he asked while standing incredibly close to her. She nodded, "The Phlegethon". "Good. It flows through channels under the mortal realm as well. Occasionally if the rivers are not properly diverted, they can erupt to the surface world." As he spoke he kneeled down and placed a hand on the black rock. She nodded, unsure of her part in this. "We have enough diversions that eruptions should not happen on their own. So this one was...prompted."

"Prompted?" she asked, now worry replaced any embarrassment, "By who?" He looked back at her, "I have my suspicions but I cannot read the energy of Tartarus like I can that of the rest of the underworld. But I think I know who can." His eye's bore into her and she felt her heart skip for a moment. "I don't know how" she started to protest before he took her hand and lowered it to the rock below them. The skin on skin contact set her senses ablaze as she knelt beside him. This close she could feel his darkness as it called to her own. His steady breath on the back of her neck. "Concentrate on Tartarus. On it's power. Follow it back to the underworld" he spoke in a deep low voice.  She closed her eyes and did as he commanded. Shocked at how easy it was to call the energy of Tartarus now. She let it gently guide her through the underground channels of fire. All the while sensing Hades' next to her. As she followed the liquid magma flow under the earth she sensed something foreign. "There" she whispered quietly. "I feel an energy just outside the mountain. It feels...strange." She spoke while keeping her eyes closed. Trying desperately to focus on the trace presence. "Good" Hades prompted. "Does it feel familiar at all?" he asked. She tried to gather the strange energy but it seemed to dissipate the more she did. "No...I don't recognize it. But it is definitely not that of a Chthonic god", she added. She heard Hades sigh and she opened her eyes to find his face still close to her own. His pulps again blown out. 

"This is my fault, isn't it?" she asked pulling her hand away from the ground and standing up. "No" he answered quickly. "Yes, it is. Someone deliberately tried to start a volcano. They knew the underworld was vulnerable and chose to attack. Perhaps, as a distraction? And who? One of your brothers?" she was thinking out loud and pacing. Guilt now flowing through her. "Persephone" Hades clam voice brought her back to the moment. She ceased her pacing but didn't look at him. "If it was one of my brothers you would have recognized the energy. It was mostly likely a lackey of theirs, if they are even involved. But it is not your fault." She felt some of the guilt fade at his reassurance. "Poseidon's envoy then?" she posed. Hades shrugged, "unlikely. Poseidon and I have a respectful relationship with each other. I doubt he would act against me unless in retribution." She frowned. "Zeus" she stated more than asked.

"Possibly. If he could start a war between myself and Poseidon it would open up opportunity for him. But he would also be risking a war with me if I discovered his plot." He wiped his hands as he stood. His eyes never leaving her. She was about to speak when she saw Hecate walking towards them. He sensed her too and before Hecate came within earshot of them he looked at her deeply. "Stay" the words sounded more like a question than a command. "I assure you, the Underworld is stronger with you in it than without." It was if he was looking into her immortal soul, pleading with her. After all that had transpired she was unsure what to make of this. "We can talk more tonight but please, don't leave yet". He took a step closer to her. His eyes searching hers. She felt her mouth go dry under his intense gaze. His green eyes tearing at her soul and she could sense his darkness swirling around her. Coaxing her. She nodded once and saw him relax ever so slightly as Hecate joined them. 

"Well I think we are good for now." Hecate spoke oblivious as to what she was interrupting.  I was able to divert the pressure back down. But still a mystery who or what caused this. Good thing we caught it before it fully erupted", she came to stand next to Persephone and looked between the two quiet gods. "Riiiiight" she added looking dubiously at Hades. "Well goddess how about I give you a lift back to the underworld?" Hecate looked to her as she nodded in approval. Before she took the witches' hand to enter the ether Hades brushed by her other side and whispered in a low voice in her ear, "tonight". 

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