The Goddess of Witchcraft

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Kore followed the Goddess of Necromancy through the palace. It was huge and its opulence made her feel small. Talk dark marble ceilings and floors created a labyrinth like feeling. She knew a little bit about Hades and the underworld but not much. Still, this was not what she was expecting. Hecate was friendly and helpful in pointing out areas of the palace and interesting facts about items. While Hades had been cold and short with her. Clearly he was not thrilled with her presence in his Kingdom. The boatman however was amazing. From the time she was a child she remembered a skeletal figure. He appeared in her dreams. Always leading her to safety. Comforting her. Her Father mentioned the same figure had delivering her to him when she was a baby. She assumed that's why her mind had dreamt him. But then all of a sudden he was there in the flesh, well in the bones at least.

"And here is your room." Hecate smiled opening a large set of wood doors. The room was huge and lavish. It had a giant bed and beautiful marble fireplace. It was a palace itself. "Oh! I...this is my room?" She asked not trying to sound ungrateful. Hecate smiled. "Hades treats all of his guests with great respect. Well. Not that we get many of them."

She tentatively walked around the room. It was overwhelming in its grandeur. She walked to the bed and pressed a hand to it. It was soft but level. With lots of thick warm blankets and furs. It looked like a dream compared to her straw bed back home. She looked to Hecate, "Do you know how long I will be here?" The strange goddess regarded her, "I don't, I am sorry. Zeus and Hera were rather vague when they dropped you off. Only that they needed time to sort out your...situation." The witch added inquisitively. Her heart sank. 

What if they never returned. And her Father! Had that winged god delivered the message to him? Hecate looked at her with apathy. "Anything that will make your stay here more pleasant, just saw the word." Kore smiled, "Thank you. I am sorry to be an imposition on your Kingdom." She was grateful she wasn't in Tartarus. "If you'd like I can show your more of the palace. Maybe find something of interest to occupy you during your time here." Hecate smiled once more. This goddess was trying hard to be hospitable. "Well, before today I had never met another immortal so It might be nice to learn more about all of you and the underworld." It was the first thing that crossed her mind. She watched as Hecate beamed with excitement. "Absolutely!" The Goddess of Witchcraft replied with enthusiasm.

"Oh, one thing. Whose clothes are these?" Kore motioned as she pushed the hood from her head. Hecate did not answer, only staring at her. Did she recognize her somehow? Panic flooded her and she shifted her weight back on her heels, prepared for an attack. Then Hecate slowly smiled, "Sorry. You're very beautiful and you reminded me of someone I knew long ago. But that was rude of me, apologies. This is what you were wearing when they brought you to the underworld. But if you would like to change it we can." Kore felt some relief but she would need to be on alert here. Did Hecate know? While friendly and helpful now, this could change in an instant. Best she know more about this place and these gods if she is to survive this. "No, no, this is fine. Thank you." She replied. 

"As you wish. Come let me show you around the palace! Oh, I forgot to ask, what should I call you?"

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