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Kore seethed with rage as she watched Hades use the ether to leave. "Coward!" she snarled at the dissipating black mist. Then feelings of betrayal hit her. She had been so wrong about Hades. He was just like the rest, only more talented at hiding his true personality. He had implied the lives of her Father and Brothers meant nothing. And he was trapping her here for them to be slaughtered. "Let me talk to him" Hecate's voice broke her thoughts as the witch also disappeared into the ether. She looked at Hermes who meekly smiled at her, "I'm sorry. For what it's worth, I have never seen my uncle act like that" he shrugged. 

"Please, you have to get me out of here" she pleaded to him. He frowned, "Hades forbid us from helping you leave the underworld". Panic rushed through her, "then please. Tell Zeus what is happening and that I demand he return me to Sparta!" Hermes' expression told her his answer before he even spoke. "I don't think that's wise" he shook his head before pausing. "How did you get to the underworld anyways?" he asked. She paused, "I...I don't know. I woke up on Charon's boat with Hades and Hecate...Charon!" Hermes smiled at her, "good luck little lion. I have a feeling I will be seeing you soon" he added with a mischievous grin before taking flight and disappearing over the trees. How she wanted wings.

Kore took off towards the Styx. Moving fast while trying not to draw too much attention. She had to get to the ferryman before Hades or Hecate returned. Maybe all was not without hope. With every step she took her anxiety grew. Hades had not told Charon that he was forbidden to help her although she was unsure how the underworld worked. Maybe Hades' commandments were binding over his subjects even without their knowledge? Still, Charon was her only hope. She just needed to get to him. As she reached the armory she paused. Hearing nothing she ducked out and past the stables. A horse would be faster but she did not know if these horses could leave the underworld and surely they would draw attention. She pressed on by foot. 

She ducked behind a stone retaining wall outside the palace. From there she could see the shore in the distance. There was not much cover between her and the water. She just needed to be fast. She waited a few minutes till she saw the lantern light on Charon's boat glow through the fog. She took off. By the time she reached the shore, he would be too. Rich food made her feel strong and she felt like it was the fastest she had ever run. As she neared the shore Charon saw her from his boat. "Goddess, you look distressed?" concern apparent in his voice. "Charon, my father's army is under attack. I must return to the upperworld" she spoke firmly. The ferryman regarded her for a moment, "Is that an order?" he asked. Odd, she wasn't sure why that mattered but was thankful he didn't ask about Hades. "Yes. I command you to return me to the shores of the upperworld!" she proclaimed. The ferryman smiled, "as you wish".

The boat ride to the other side felt like it took forever. Charon rowed slowly but Kore didn't want to push her luck. Her adrenalin was high and she wanted to pace or help row. Instead she sat quietly on the floor to remain hidden. Waiting to hear the rocks of the shore against the bottom of the boat to signal their arrival. "I have never liked the fates, you know" Charon interrupted her thoughts. "Oh?" she replied. "Well, not so much the fates themselves, although they are a cantankerous lot, rather their prophecies always cause trouble. They are vague and people always misinterpret them as being literal". She waited for him to continue but he did not. "I see" she nodded her head, she really didn't. If Charon was referencing her own prophecy, she was too distracted with the goal of getting home to ponder it. Finally the wooden boat made landfall. Kore sprung up and made for the bow before stopping. She turned to Charon, "Thank you. You have saved my life, and the lives of others, multiple times now." The skeleton pushed his hood back slightly so Kore could see more of his decomposing features. "I was my pleasure. I hope we meet again" he smiled at her. She felt such strong gratitude and affection for this mysterious man. 

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