The Goddess in Green

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Hades had gotten a few hours of peaceful sleep last night. More than he had gotten in months. Normally insomnia kept him up for weeks at a time but today, even just a few hours sleep, had made him feel refreshed. Melarose was already tending to Kore so he had another daemon, Marrx trim his hair and beard. He also rubbed some sandalwood oil on his chest before headed to the dining hall. He stopped in the kitchen worried that Minthe's absence would slow things down but he was pleasantly surprised to see breakfast already being laid out on the table. He also noticed the staff had happy smiles on their faces as they buzzed around arranging various fruits and breads. Suddenly a small daemon was standing before him. "My King. I heard that the young goddess like melit so we had some brought down from the upperworld." She said raising a clay container up to him. He smiled, even his staff seemed enchanted by her. "Thank you..." He paused not knowing this daemon's name. "Penolope." She said brightly, seemingly happy that he would even ask. Although he probably should know his staff better. The small daemon turned to walk away when he had an idea. "Penolope, why don't you present it to the goddess when we sit for breakfast. I am sure she would be happy to meet you." Penolope grinned large and bowed towards him.

Normally breakfast was a much smaller affair then dinner. Usually just Hecate joined him and they discussed the business of the day. However as he walked back to the dining hall he was surprised to see Thanatos entering from the other side of the room. It did not escape Hades that he too had seemed to spruce himself up today. Wearing a new grey himation. His black wings looking glossy. He must have oiled them. Annoyance washed over Hades. He had a suspicion why the psychopomp was here and he doubted it had anything to do with work. "My King." Thanatos nodded as he approached. "Thanatos." Hades replied dryly. "To what do I owe the pleasure of appearances at both dinner and breakfast?" Not trying to hide his sarcasm however Thanatos merely shrugged. "I know you are busy with court so I was going to offer myself to the Goddess Kore. I thought perhaps she would like a tour." Hades raised his hand interrupting him. "That won't be necessary. I have my duties covered for the day so that I may tend to my guest." Thanatos smiled in annoyance but Hades stood firm. Making it clear his presence was not wanted. 

Before Hades could dismiss the annoying god of death a flash of dark green caught his eye. Turning he saw Kore enter looking painfully beautiful. A dark green silk tunic draped strategically down her body, wrapping around her hips before ending above her knees. Her chocolate locks shined in the morning sun and perched on her head was a band of gold laurels, the traditional headpiece of an unwed goddess. His mouth when dry as she walked up to them, a shy smile on her face. Thanatos beat him to great her. "Goddess, may I say you are the most beautiful creature in the underworld." Damn that stupid winged idiot. She smiled at him before Hecate chimed in. "Thanatos, be careful not to let your conquests hear that or they not might let you back in their beds." She winked at Kore as Thanatos scowled. Indeed Hecate needed a raise plus a vacation after this.

"Thank you Thanatos. It's nice to see you again." Kore replied before looking at Hades. She was beautiful. Today she had charcoal on the outsides of her eyes which made them look even more alluring. "Lord Hades." She nodded but then looked concerned when he respond. Hecate poked a finger in his back where Kore could not see, jarring him out of his frozen state. "Goddess, you look beautiful. I hope your room was comfortable." He smiled down at her. Why was he so awkward around her. The concern washed from her face and she smiled again. "It was. Between the bed and the bath I could see how one would get spoiled living here. Oh and thank you so much for the clothes. I have never worn silk before. I am sorry I don't have anything to give you in exchange for them." She blushed and her eyes flickered to the ground. Minthe had always demanded but never seem to appreciate his gifts. It was such a stark difference to Kore who seemed so grateful for just food and a warm bed.

"I insist. I have more silk than I know what to do with. In a way, you are helping me by taking it off my hands." He chuckled. It was not true but he didn't want her to felt guilty for wearing it. He ushered her to the table full of food. Behind her Melarose was smiling and winking at him suggestively. Apparently all his staff had anterior motives when it came to this goddess. "Melarose, beautiful work on Kore clothes. Would you like to join us for breakfast?" He teased the older daemon. "Oh no. I best be getting home to make breakfast for my husband. You know how he gets without a full belly." She laughed then looked at Thanatos who hadn't stopped watching Kore. Without missing a beat Melarose turned to the psychopomp. "Thanatos, would you mind escorting me to the village? With your wings it would make a short trip and I am sure you are anxious to start today's work." Thanatos turned his glare to the daemon, clearly annoyed she was blocking him from the goddess but nodding in agreement. "Well now, lets not delay and leave the King and the Goddess to their breakfast in peace." She shooed him out the doors before he could say goodbye.

Once alone he looked at Kore who had failed to notice any of the cock measuring that had just occurred. Or if she had, she ignored it. Instead her eyes wandered over the piles of food in front of her. "Is there something in particular you want?" He said suddenly worried she was displeased. "These are all from the upperworld but we can get you anything you'd like." She shook her head. "No this is fine. I just. I have never seen so much, I mean. There seems to be no shortage of food here." She noted looking at him. "I hope it's not too much trouble to make special trips to the upperworld to get me food." Hades chuckled. "Oh no. The daemons usually cannot go to the upperworld without permission. However because you are here they are allowed to get you food. They love every chance they can get to see the upperworld. Actually, I am surprised they don't bring it down a single piece at a time so they could go up there more often."

She laughed and seemed to relax again. Reaching for some bread, an orange, and a banana. He took some bread and dried meats and began to eat. He noticed at dinner she seemed unsure how to use utensils and upon further research discovered Spartans don't use them. He had instructed the kitchen staff to only provide knives. He watched as she happily stuffed bread and fruit into her mouth. While eating etiquette was not practiced by the Spartans she somehow made it look graceful. Even with her cheeks stuffed with bread resembled that of a chipmunk's. 

She was so different. Not like the stuffy, high maintenance, formal goddesses on Olympus. He thought back to the adorable sound she made trying to describe bees at dinner and a smile crept over his face. Honey, oh wait, Penolope! Where was she? He turned in his chair to go to the kitchen when he saw the young daemon standing shyly in the doorway, clutching the clay pot between her hands, eyes wide at the goddess beside him. He smiled at her and motioned for her to come over. The young girl took a tentative step forward then another before seeming to regain her earlier confidence as she made her way over to the table between Kore and Hades. Kore looked over and smiled as Penolope approached. "Goddess, we heard you like melit so we got some for you." She spoke quietly as she handed the pot to Kore. "You got this just for me? Thank you. You are too kind." Kore's voice was soft and the young daemon beamed with pride. "What is your name?" She blushed and Hades thought it was the first time he saw a daemon do so. "Penolope." She replied with more confidence. "That is a beautiful name. You can call me Kore." The young girl blushed and bowed, scurrying back to the kitchen before Kore could compliment her further.

"I think she likes you. Actually, I think all my staff likes you. They certainly don't do those sorts of things for me." He smiled at Kore in jest. She giggled, rolling her eyes as she inspected the melit. Pouring out a large glob onto her plate. She looked at it as if it were gold itself before she glanced up and caught him watching her. "Sorry, would you like some?" He was still smiling. "You know I don't know that I have ever had it pure. Only on desserts and in drink." He hummed in contemplation. Without further permission she cut a piece of apple, swiped it through the golden honey and held the piece to him. As he took it his fingers brushed against hers and he missed the contact as soon as it broke. He put the piece of honeyed apple in his mouth and couldn't withhold the groan that escaped him as he was flooded with sweet and tart flavors. She laughed at his reaction. "I take that as a sign of approval." He nodded as he swallowed reaching for the jar he added, "I might have to make this a regular staple at breakfast." Before scooping another slice of apple through the golden honey.

They breakfasted for a while, longer than he normally would but he wanted to make sure she ate enough. She was still beautiful however her ribs and spine were a little too prominent from lack of food. Selfishly, he also enjoyed their time alone. He knew that as soon as they left the palace people would be curious to meet the goddess. Finally, they set off. But not before Kore sought out Penolope and thanked her again for the melit. He had never seen a daemon so happy. 

Melarose had elegantly dressed Kore for any type of activity. Smart women, he would have to give her a raise along with Hecate. He turned to Kore. "Am I wrong to assume you can ride?" She grinned wide. "You would not be. I love to ride." Fates she was amazing. What couldn't she do. "Well I can give you a tour of the Kingdom one of three ways: by foot, by horseback, or by chariot. The choice is yours." Immediately she relied, "horseback!"

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