The Underworld

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Hades sat in the hall of judgement listening to the shade of a former King in the mortal world plead for the Gold he was buried with to be kept with him. Shades were the spirits of dead mortals and went to one of three places in the underworld. The Fields of Punishment which contained Tartarus, the Asphodel Meadows, or Elysium. Most shades were judged by three judges Hades had appointed. However, mortals of importance or complicated lives were judged by him. The man before him was not of high moral character but also was not evil. He was lazy and selfish most of all. "Enough, I have made my decision. You will spend the next five hundred years in the Asphodel Meadows until you have erased your vices. Then you may drink from the River Lethe and be reborn." The king looked disappointed, clearly he wanted Elysium but before he could protest he was escorted out by a daemon.

Before he could call forth the next soul, Hecate, the Goddess of witchcraft and crossroads entered the great hall. Her black polecat trotted beside her. Hecate was one of Hades' closest friends and advisors. Since she born of the Underworld from a Titan, the most powerful of the immortal gods. Hecate had helped Hades adjust and rule since he first arrived to this realm after the great war. Acting as a close advisor. Many had speculated that at one time they were more than just friends, but this was never the case. Hecate's taste in men ran more, innocent, than Hades. "My Lord, your brother has come to see you." She said with a mischievous grin as she approached. Annoyance flickered across his mind. "Why would Poseidon show up unannounced?" He grumbled. "Wrong brother." Hecate corrected.

"" His other brother had only ventured to the underworld a handful of times over the millennia. And even then it was only for emergencies. Hades rose from his throne. "Where is he now?" He asked. "They are standing on the shore of the River Styx, My Lord" She smiled, her toothy grin unnerving him. "They?"

"Ah yes, he has a young goddess with him." She spoke as she picked up her pole cat. Of course, there it was. "Let me guess. Zeus wants to hide one of his mistresses or illegitimate children from Hera." Hades snapped with annoyance. His brother's wandering eye constantly created unneeded wars and conflict. He hated his Brother for this, among other things. If he had a wife, especially a powerful goddess like Hera, he would never cheat or disrespect her. Just another way in which he was different from his Brothers.

"Perhaps, but Hera is with him." Hecate purred as both she and the cat looked at him. "What!" He stopped in his tracks and turned to face her. So Zeus and Hera are at the entrance to the Underworld now?" He couldn't believe it. Hera visited the Underworld fewer times than her husband. Hecate just shrugged her shoulders and turned to leave. He followed her out of the palace and marched down the path to the edge of the River Styx. What could this be about? Charon's boat was waiting for him at the shore. Both he and Hecate climbed in and the Ferryman used his oar to push off the bank and travel to the other side. As the thick fog parted  he saw his Brother and Sister-in-Law on the opposite shoreline. Hera was pacing nervously along the rocky beach while Zeus stood holding someone in his arms. Peculiar indeed.

"Brother!" Zeus called out once the boat came into view. Hera stopped pacing to watch the boat as well. "King of the Heavens",  Hades replied tersely but Zeus just smiled. The front of the boat ran up on the rocky shore. "Please." Hera started before either Brother could speak again. "Hades we need to ask a favor of you." Hera was beautiful. In their younger days Hades had thought about asking her to be Queen of the Underworld but Zeus won her over first and from then on he viewed her as his sister. He pitied the heartbreak his brother put her through. "We need you to let a goddess stay in your realm for a bit. Just until we can sort some matters out." Zeus added. 

"Who is she? And why not put her in Olympus?" Hades looked to the unconscious form in his brother's arms. "She...well, we aren't sure who her parents are. But she's powerful and she doesn't know how to control it well." Zeus looked at Hades with determination. "What, you don't want your white marble floors to get scuffed so you want to dump her on me?" Hades was indignant and insulted. He had better things to do than play babysitter.

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