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The next few hours till dinner felt like an eternity for Hades. He knew Kore had used too much of her power and needed to rest, but he was worried about her. Or maybe he just missed being in her presence. When the time came to fetch her he almost sprinted to her room. Her door was open a jar but he knocked before peering in. Kore was sitting on her bed reading a scroll. "Hey" She said as she looked up at him. "Hi. How are you feeling?" She looked much better than earlier. Her hair was damp so she must have bathed but he did not feel the fear he once did from her. She rolled the scroll up and got up from the bed. Padding over to him barefoot, "Good. I mean still a little tired. Hungry. And embarrassed..." She cast her eyes to the floor.

He tipped her chin up to look him in the eyes. "Goddess, you have absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about." His voice low. He watched the blush flush to her cheeks. Enjoying that he could illicit such a reaction from her. "Ah hem" Came a voice from behind. They both jumped and turned, seeing Hecate smirking with her arms crossed. "Dinner is ready" She chimed as she motioned them them to follow. Part of him was annoyed Hecate interrupted the moment but another part was relieved. He had no idea what he was doing with this goddess. His feelings and desire for her increased by the day. But did she feel the same or was she just playing along with her warden's advances to survive? His insecurities crept forward once again. 

The dining table was full. He noticed Thanatos sitting closer to his own seat. No doubt because he knew Kore would be sitting there too. Then several daemons, Hecate, and his judges. After a few days the kitchen staff realized Kore like to try new foods so they had been brining various delicacies from across the upperworld for her. She would converse pleasantly but tended to withdrawal when too many personal questions were asked. In a way Hades understood the walls she had built around herself. They were ones like his own.

They were just finishing up dinner when a gust of cold air swept into the room, extinguishing the candles. Instantly, they relight and three ghostly women stood atop the table looking curiously at Kore. Their grey tattered himations sweeping gently behind them. The Moirai. The fates. Hade's blood ran cold.

They resided in the deep parts of the underworld which even Hades rarely visited. When gods did venture to see them,  it was usually in desperation. The fates were ancient and cryptic. They could bless or curse you, sometimes both. There was Clotho who spun the threads of life. Lachesis who measured the length of a person's life. And Atropos who held a silver knife that she used to cut the thread and end one's life. They were reclusive, private, and unpredictable. Hades couldn't remember the last time, if ever, that he saw them leave their cave. And yet here they were standing on the table looking at Kore. 

The rest of the table also sat frozen. Either out of fear or shock. However, Kore simply sat there starring back at the three women. Hades thought he saw a flicker of confusion move across her face as she took in the scene. "We've waited a long time to meet you, little lion." Clotho spoke. Hades watched Kore appear to tense at the use of what he assumed was a pet name. "We felt you finally access your powers and knew you were here. My sister's and I just had to see you for ourselves." Clothos almost purred. Lachesis tilted her head, still taking in the goddess sitting in front of her. "Such pain you have suffered. And will suffer more...if you do not accept your destiny."

Kore stiffed and now annoyance crossed her features. "Apologies." She spoke firmly. "But you have me mistaken. I am Kore, Daughter of Sparta and I" Lachesis interrupted her sharply. "Mistaken? No, we are not mistaken. It is you who is confused as to your own identity." The Fate smiled wickedly as she leaned her face closer to Kore's. The tension in the room was palpable and Hades glanced at Hecate who sat agape at the scene before her.  Atropos was the nest to speak. "My sisters speaks the truth young one. We are here before you because for far too long we have watched your talents rot at your feet. Forsaking your birthright to cower and hide amongst the mortals instead of accepting your destiny." 

All four women, the fates and Kore, then sat in a stare off. Hades felt his heart start to race. The tension almost unbearable. He wanted to interject, to protect Kore, but to interfere with the Fates could prove worse for them both. Finally, Kore smiled a toothy grin that seemed to show off her large canines. Odd, he had not noticed them before. Was that part of her primal form? The tone of her voice not masking the deadly violence that lay beneath her words. "You... are not my gods nor my fates." Kore spoke calmly "And the immortals are not my responsibility. I will return to my mortal brothers." Atropos moved forward suddenly, before Kore could continue, "Little Lion." The fate now spoke matching Kore's threatening tone. "If you fail to heed our words, you will die on the battlefield with your mortal brothers. They will come for you. And they will destroy you all." 

Kore was unmoved. "I do not care for the fickle and careless ways of the deathless ones. I would rather die in battle, surrounded by my mortal brothers, than to exist in the petty existence of the Olympians. So I tell you again, you are mistaken as to who you think I am or what talents are rotting at my feet."  Before Hades could move the fates rushed forward till all three of their faces were mere inches away from Kore who was now leaning full back to keep distance. 

"Are you not the only daughter of Ares the God of War and Demeter Goddess of the Harvest? Did your Mother not, upon learning your destiny, hide you with the Spartans! Your mother died to save your life and now you squander her sacrifice. No, little lion. We are not mistaken. YOU are Persephone. Bringer of death and war. Praxidike. Justice. God slayer!" All three fates were now speaking at once. Their booming voices echoing in the hall. "Two option's lay before you λιοντάρι (lion). Claim your birthright. Accept your responsibility against the wayward deathless ones. Bring balance to the cosmos. Or continue your rouse with the mortals and you shall have your glorious Spartan death on the battlefield." Atropos sneered the last words at Kore while brandishing her knife. 

Hades looked at Kore and all he could sense was rage. Fury and darkness. Pure, raw and primal. He watched her brown eyes start changing to gold as her anger took control. "Ahhh, there you are, Praxidike." Atropos smiled. At that all the rage dropped from Kore and her eyes returned to normal. An expression of calm came over her face before she smiled back innocently at the Fates. "Sorry to waste your time." Was her only reply before standing up and looking at Hades. "Thank you for dinner." Were her only words before leaving the dinning hall. Hades watched her leave, his mouth now agape too. Either from the Fate's words or Kore's rapid changes, he did not know. When he turned back to the table the three fates were now facing him. 

"Aidoneus." "Unseen one." "Good Counselor." the three women spoke over each other at once. He could not tell which one said what as they looked at him with light smiles on their faces. Finally, just Clotho spoke. "Your fated mate is more stubborn than you." Hades froze. This was all overwhelming but his heart sored at the thought of a mate. A partner. And it being Kore...or Persephone? But his heart sank at the Fate's next words. "However all will be for naught if she rejects the immortal life. You have been long owed by the cosmos, Giver of Wealth, we truly hope this works in your favor." The three smiled as they faded away as another cold chill swept out of the room. 

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