Preview of Aidoneus Part II

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It had been three days since Zeus, King of the Heavens, declared war on the Underworld. Three days since Persephone married Hades and assumed the role of Queen of the Underworld. Three days of both bliss and fear.

In those three days she spent her nights in Hades' arms where between lovemaking he tried to comfort her. Assure her that this war was enviable. The culmination of hundreds of years of Zeus' poor leadership decisions and selfish motives.

If only she could accept that explanation.

In truth she knew that it was her marriage to Hades which ignited this fire. While many had not always seen eye to eye with the King of the Heavens, they had all existed with relative peace till now. Until her.

She hates Zeus. Hated that he threatened all those she loved. Hated that he could not give her and Hades one day of peace as a married couple. She recognized how selfish that last grievance was but she didn't care. Hades, Hecate, and Hades' armory guard Acrelous had met daily to discuss the dire situation. Her fondness for the cyclopes had only grown in her short time as Queen. He had a way of brightening the mood even when they spoke of the impending war.

As Goddess of War and now Queen of the Underworld she was included in these conversations. However she found herself rarely speaking. Whether from the guilt of causing this situation or for lack of a plan, she could not tell. They spoke of strategy, weapons, and allies. They had an army of the dead which Hades could call forth but they lost strength outside the Underworld after a day. Hades had already shut down asking the Spartans to assist. He felt that they had already done enough by defending the Underworld from the Mad King Sisyphus who tried to become immortal by laying siege to Hades' realm. She also wondered if Hades did not want to have to rely on mortals again, her Father's men in particular, to keep them safe in his own Kingdom. The breeches in security that had allowed Sisyphus' men to enter this realm had been corrected as best they could be. But Zeus was an immortal. And devious. Persephone remained unconvinced that he did not have additional allies imbedded in the Underworld. Just as he had with Minthe...who remained unaccounted for.

With every passing day she felt her powers grow. In the afternoons she practiced developing them. Learning how to read the dark energy that connected her to the Underworld and melding it with fighting tactics. She also had spent more time exploring Tartarus. She felt drawn there...almost compelled. As if it had tantalizing secrets she had yet to unlock. Hades never entered there without her permission. It was her domain after all. But when she sometimes returned sullen after failing to find...whatever Tartarus was hiding, he held a look of concern in his eyes as he tried to cheer her up.

She was returning from one such unproductive visit to the depth of Hades when she saw Thanatos' black wings gliding across the Underworld sky headed to the palace. She picked up her pace, always curious about what news the psycopomp brought. Cerberus trotted happily besides her. When he wasn't guarding the shores of the Underworld he was with her. His wound from when he was impaled with a spear from Sisyphus had healed now. And while he couldn't speak she swore that she could hear his emotions. Like Hades, he was a source of comfort and she was happy to have the fierce hell hound by her side. She jogged the last bit to the palace so she could catch the winged god of death as he landed on the front steps.

"Ahhh, Queen of the Underworld" Thanatos smiled as he exaggerated a low bow towards her. She was fond of Thanatos. Being both a god of the Underworld and mortal realm, she felt he understood her in ways others didn't. Since she married Hades, he often teased her about being royalty. Today was no exception.

"As Queen of the Underworld, I command you to call me Persephone" she said smiling. "My apologies, Queen Persephone" he said again bowing low. She laughed and joined him walking up the stairs. The brief moment of levity quickly fading. "There are rumors that Hera is missing" Thanatos spoke, answering her unasked question. Persephone felt a knot in her stomach. She and Hades had promised Hera protection from Zeus for marrying them. If Hera is missing or, she couldn't think like that. She nodded slowly, "how reliable are your sources? Is there anyway to confirm it? Maybe she went into hiding." she asked optimistically. Thanatos stopped and turned to face her in front of the wooden doors to the palace. He pursed his lips into a thin line. A tell Persephone noticed he did before delivering unpleasant news.

"Hermes" he replied. The knot in her stomach doubled. The Messenger of the God was a gossip, and sometimes unpredictable, but he wasn't a liar. She also considered him a friend. One of the few Olympians who had permission to access the Underworld to help Thanatos collect the shades of the dead and deliver messaged from the other realms.

She felt her shoulders slump. "He..." Thanatos continued tentatively until she looked back up at him. "He's going to keep discreetly looking. But he said nobody has seen her since...well for the past three moons." he added. She knew since when. Since Hera married them at her temple. She took a deep breath, straightening her back and nodded. "We promised her our protection and we will keep that promise". As she spoke she prayed to the fates it was a promise they could keep.

They walked silently into the palace to Hades library. Her mind reeling with all the scenarios of Hera's location. As they entered the library Hades looked up from his chair and smiled when he saw her. He amazed her sometimes. After all that had transpired, he still smiled when he saw her. Would he continue to smile when he sees her after war is waged on his kingdom? She tried to suppress such thoughts but couldn't help the occasional one bubbling through.

She felt numb as she listened to Thanatos tell Hades about Hera. She saw the flicker of pain that crossed his face upon learning of the Queen of the Heavens disappearance. The first casualty of their love? She had gotten lost in her own thoughts when she heard Thanatos' voice repeat. "Persephone" he paused to ensure her attention before nodded his respect and leaving. She looked back at Hades who had a concerned look on his face as he regarded her. "Are you okay, my Queen?" he asked softy. She forced a false smile, "it is me who should be asking you that question. I know you and Hera were close."

He reached over his desk, taking her hand and drawing her into his lap. "Goddess" he cooed as he cupped her cheek. His presence was heavy and consuming, but also comforting. She sighed and melted into his touch. Shifting on his lap to lay her head against his chest. He said nothing but rubbed circles on her back gently. These moments were her respite. When she felt safe. Comforted. Moments when she felt like she could lower her guard from trying to portray the stoic image of the Dread Queen.

At times she felt at odds with herself. An internal struggled she thought she had conquered. Between the carefree girl living a mortal life in Sparta and being the Goddess of War, Queen of the Underworld. Her father, the mortal King of Sparta, had taught her that leaders must always show strength. That even in times of crisis or danger, calm in a leader meant confidence by his people. She thought she had mastered this but the events of the past few days had tested her. Her saving grace were moments like these, with Hades, where she felt like she could let her guard down.

"Why do you trouble yourself with such guilt, beautiful goddess?" Hades finally asked after several minutes. She sighed and lifted her head from his chest to look at his eyes. "I am the cause of this" she answered and when he started to protest she placed a finger upon his lips. "We knew that our marriage would anger Zeus. And I know we discussed the possible consequences of our union but...I suppose a naïve part of me hoped that it wouldn't come to this. That, maybe, Zeus could be reasoned with. Just ban me from Olympus or make me swear on the Styx that I won't wage war against him. I guess..." she contemplated while breaking his intense gaze. Instead looking at the maps splayed across his desk of battle strategies and signed treaties between realms. Research for the impending war. "I guess I hoped we would have more time before it came to this" she finally finished. The last of her words trailing off.

She felt his arms around her squeeze reassuringly. "I know, my love. And if your hopes were naïve than so were mine because I held them too. But I assure you, this is not your fault. Our marriage was just the catalyst to justify Zeus' need for unquestioned power." She could tell he meant it. There were not just words to appease her but still she didn't did not believe them. For now, however, she gave him a soft smile and met her lips to his. There was always passion between them but this kiss, it was of comfort and love. She relished these moments with him and deepened their kiss. When their lips finally broke apart he smiled. Using his index finger to tilt her chin up to meet his gaze before speaking. His voice deep, filled with passion and threat.

"Let him send his men. His finest warriors. And I will lay their skulls afoot your throne." 

Thanks for reading! This story will continue in Adioneus Part II

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