Chapter Thirty Nine: An Act of War

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It took her forever to convince Damian that she could go out alone without any protection. She had to lie and tell him that she is getting him a surprise present and that he is totally ruining the plan by not letting her go. She actually had to show her girly temper to him to convince him. Now, she is finally got out and she had to go find Lian. She had to clear things up with him. Some things are just too difficult to say with Damian around her so protectively. She understands why Damian would be so protective but she is a very skilled Grimm for her age, so actually she could take care of herself.

She still remembers where Lian stays, although it isn’t somewhere like the high class hotel she is staying but it is cozy. She pressed on the door bell and waited for him to come out. Suddenly she felt someone standing behind of her. Instinctively, she pulled that person’s hand and threw that person down to the floor flat on his back. He grunted in pain for a moment and blink twice in shock at Shane. She was shock as well but she needed to make sure he isn’t an enemy. ‘You should know better than to walk up behind me.’ Shane said firmly as she was trying to hide her still shock heart. That man had shaggy brownish red hair and was obviously not a Chinese. He looked pretty bulky but he wasn’t as tall and intimidating as Sebastian. Wait, did she thought that Sebastian was scary. Scratch that!

The man was quite good looking but not as good looking as her mate. Better! The man stood up and cleaned the dirt on his body and shook his head as he muttered something that sounded like it is in Russian. ‘Hey! Don’t speak foreign language in front of me!’ She shouted. The man stared at her dumbfounded for a moment but laughed out loud at her like she was a child. ‘I am sorry.’ He said with no Russian slang. ‘I am Kasper Chenkov. You are?’ He asked. She put her hands on her hips and begins speaking proudly. ‘Shane Aragon.’ She said. Kasper smirked back at her knowingly which made her frown and narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously. ‘Ah, the Grimm with the boy and also Lian’s ex-girlfriend.’ Kasper said.

‘So you know Lian?’ She asked and he nodded. ‘He is under me.’ Kasper said in his leader voice. ‘Under you?’ She frowned. He nodded. ‘Yes, lady, I am the leader of the Fallens. I lead them to correct their wrong.’ Kasper said proudly. She quickly put a hand to stop him. ‘I don’t want to hear, just bring me to Lian.’ She said. He laughed and took a step back. He bowed gracefully with one of his hand out pointing out the direction for her to go in.

‘He went out to help me run some errands we will wait for him in here.’ Kasper said as he leads her to the living room. She sat down on the sofa like she owns the place and begins flipping through the magazines on the coffee table. She heard Kasper chuckled but she continues to ignore him. ‘Aren’t you afraid that I might attack you?’ Kasper asked amusingly. ‘After all, I am an Angel not a Fallen.’ Kasper added. She stared back at him and blinked twice. ‘Can repeat the last part? You’re an Angel?!’ She asked as her jaw drop. ‘Yes, lady.’ He said still with his amusing tone. ‘Why the heck is an Angel not in Heaven but here on Earth leading a bunch of punished angels AKA Fallens?’ She asked.

‘Because you need someone who isn’t wrong to lead someone is wrong. Besides, I like it better in the Human World than in Heaven.’ He said. ‘Wow, that’s deep. Why? I mean in this so called Human World is so…… Well, it’s not as pretty as Heaven.’ She said not knowing what to describe about the place she is born. Kasper laughed. ‘How would you know Heaven is pretty or not? Have you been there?’ Kasper joked. She rolled her eyes. ‘No, I don’t know and no, I haven’t. You don’t have to state the obvious.’ She said. ‘Heaven have many rules, lady. Some rules are so strict that it is suffocating. Here, in the Human World those rules don’t work. So, I like it here.’ He added.

She rolled her eyes again and waved Kasper off boringly. ‘Urgh, so you like it here because you can break rules. Well, good luck.’ She said in a boring tone.  ‘Do you want to know what that rule that I want to break is?’ Kasper said wickedly which made Shane shivered. Kasper’s smirk becomes so wicked that she knew she was wrong about judging him from the start. He is not intimidating, he is creepy!

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