Chapter Thirty One: Odd Respect

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She could feel the rise and fall of Damian’s chest as he sleeps soundlessly. Dark circles were the proved of his late night meeting and she knew that he needed to rest. She turned to peek at the clock beside of the bed. It was only eight in the morning. Although it is a school day, she didn’t want to leave this bed nor does she wants to wake the man she loves. She closed her eyes to sleep again but she felt Damian coughing. Instantly, she sat up to get a better look at him.

His face was pale and his lips were dry. Blood stain on his shirt proved that he had coughed so much that blood came out. She wanted so badly to get a cup of water but his arms were tightly around her waist not letting her go. She felt her heart clenches at this weak sight of him.

‘Sleep.’ Damian said as he pulled her head onto his chest with his eyes closes. She shook his hands off and held his hands with hers. ‘Damian, you’re not well.’ She said. She was expecting him to force her to sleep again but he didn’t he just smile. ‘I am fine, love.’ He said as he coughed again. ‘Just tired.’ He said. ‘Come, sleep with me.’ He said again and she lay back to sleep with him. But she couldn’t sleep her head kept filling with worries. ‘Had something happened last night?’ She asked. Damian didn’t reply. His breathing was even and soothing that she was sure he was asleep now. Not wanting to wake him she closes her eyes as well.

‘Time to wake up, mon seul et unique.’ Damian said to her. She grunted and pulled the covers over her head. ‘I cannot stay any longer, love. Your father would kill me.’ Damian said. Angrily, she sat up straight but her eyes barely open. Damian chuckled and kissed her forehead. ‘Come on, I had the tub ready for you.’ Damian said as she slowly crawls out of her bed but half way through she halted and fell back onto the bed to sleep. Damian chuckled again. She felt him lying on to her and begins kissing her ear and then her neck. She opened her eyes and tuned around to kiss him back but he was already cradling her. ‘Be a good girl and take a shower. We’ll be going to the airport.’ Damian said. Her eyes widen. ‘Why?’ She asked.

‘Holiday, love.’ Damian said and she jump gleefully in his arms and begin running kisses on his face which made him stop to balance her. She stopped at begin examining if he was still pale but he was no longer pale, in fact he look healthy. A smile spread across her face and she kissed his lips again.

Damian let her down once they reached the bathroom. ‘Would you like me to join?’ Damian asked playfully and earned a smack on his back. ‘Don’t be a pervert, Casanova!’ She said. Damian chuckled and was pushed out of the bathroom by Shane.

She enjoyed the tub filled with fragrance prepared by Damian and then she got herself dress which was already ready for her. It is a red tank top with dark skinny jeans even her bras and panties were perfectly matching her clothing. She grunted at the thought that Damian had does this many times before.

A knocked on the door and she pulled it open with anger. Damian smiled and showed her that he had gotten ready as well. Two bags of luggage were placed on the floor and she knew this holiday would be a long trip. Damian held out a long furry brown jacket for her and he had his over his shoulder. She didn’t feel like going all of the sudden. She hated how her imagination would spoil her mood and Damian immediately drops everything and held on to her worriedly.

‘Are you okay?’ Damian asked with concern. She could only sigh. She felt like some jealous girlfriend who is insecure but with him and his reputation can you blame her? She can’t stand it when she remembered how Tatiana would caress Damian and it was so obvious that both of them had a history. Damian seems to have caught on to what she was thinking and he sighed. ‘I am sorry, love. If you do not want this, I would leave.’ Damian said. Immediately, that made her jump with fear and quickly she shook her head hard. ‘No! I want to go and I want you to be with me. It’s just that I couldn’t help but think that this relationship we have is just one of your games.’ She said as she felt stupid to feel that way. Damian frowned as though he was defeated by her words. Clearly, what he felt for is true love but was it only because of the Soul Chain that bound them together. He only felt love because of the chain?

‘Come.’ Damian said as he took the stuff from the floor. ‘I’ll prove to you that I love you from the bottom of my heart.’ Damian said. She was pulled downstairs and her parents were nowhere to be found. Both Enrique and Chad weren’t at school and they were busy eating their breakfast. Damian cursed at the sight of them and she hit Damian for the way he treated her friends. ‘I’m sorry, love. I just can’t stand him.’ Damian whispered to her and she frowned. ‘Who?’ She asked in confusion. ‘Never mind.’ Damian said and halted at the kitchen. ‘There breakfast is ready.’ Damian said to her as he opened the cover. There were two plates of breakfast and both of them ate. With the first bite, she could taste her mother’s cooking. ‘This is mum’s cooking.’ She said. Damian nodded while using his fork and knife in a total British way which made him looks so much like a royal.

‘He is a total Brit!’ Chad laughed and Enrique laughed as well but the way he laughed showed clearly that a Mexican like him had no idea what Chad is saying. Chad rolled his eyes and sighed. ‘Brits are uptight and snobby, bro.’ Chad said and Enrique made an ‘Oh……’ expression and then he whispered a ‘So’ to Chad. Chad throws his head back and ignored him.

Damian stared down at the way he held his fork and knife in confusion. He then switches his it to the American style. Although he made it look a little awkward but he still look good doing it which made Shane smiled at her perfect boyfriend. ‘I like both ways, Casanova.’ She said playfully to Damian which made Damian smirked. ‘Anything for you, love.’ Damian said in his British accent which made her shivers with pleasure. She heard Chad hissed and quick enough her face turned beet red.

‘So where are you guys going?’ Enrique asked. Automatically she turned to Damian with the same curiosity. Damian smirked smugly and she couldn’t help but feel a little uncomfortable. She hopes it isn’t where she thinks it is. ‘It’s a secret.’ Damian said in a whisper. Enrique quickly got to Damian’s side. ‘Now, you seriously stir my curiosity. Are you going to that secret place to you know……?’ Enrique asked with a knowing tone. Immediately, Shane blushes and both Damian and Enrique laughed perverted-ly to tease her. ‘I might eat you up, love.’ Damian said as he winked at her. ‘Oh! I am so scared.’ She fakes a scared tone.

‘She’s loving it.’ Enrique said as he elbowed Damian and Damian nodded with a laugh. ‘She is, she is.’ Damian said as he laughed. Chad hissed and cursed then left the room without bothering to say goodbye to her. She felt a little hurt because Chad is still her best friend. They had known each other since young but today he is acting really cold. Is it because Damian is the devil’s son so he didn’t like him and didn’t feel like talking?

When they finished their food, Damian got the things into the car and waited for her. Enrique said his goodbyes and then left the both of them. Somehow, she wonders how Enrique can just be so friendly to Damian. It is a little odd. Chad obviously dislikes Damian yet he showed no sign of dislike. When they ate she caught a sign of respect from Enrique when both Damian and Enrique talked. Somehow, it all didn’t make sense.

‘Why in the world is he so nice to you?’ She asked. Damian looked at her as though he was insulted by her comment. She quickly shook her head as she opened the door. ‘I didn’t mean it like that Damian but isn’t it weird for him as a Grimm to act so nice to a Devil’s son?’ She asked. Damian nodded in agreement and got into the car. Damian weren’t driving so both of them sat in the black limo. Obviously, it must be the Vleming’s privilege. ‘It is odd but I felt no form of dislike from him nor are there any evil thoughts. All I sensed is respect from him.’ Damian said as he got into the limo.

‘Why would he respect you?’ She asked. He smirked knowing the answer and it was obvious that he isn’t planning to tell her. ‘Come on, not again.’ She said as she crossed her arms in her sit next to his. ‘Maybe you should ask him yourself?’ He said.

‘Urgh! I know you can read minds but you not telling me what I want to know is really killing me here!’ She said. Damian chuckled. 

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