Chapter Twelve: Maybe Next Time, Casanova.

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Damian has been sitting on the couch downstairs for over thirty minutes now, but she still hasn’t showed up. Impatiently, he walks back into his room and could found her nowhere. He walks towards the bed and he could see the opened box and a note.

‘Maybe next time, Casanova.’ He read. He let out a soft chuckle and smiled at the note. Not a single woman had ever said no to him and this one just did. He could still remember the way she moves her body and the way she shudder a little when he kissed her cheeks. The way her cheeks blushes when she thought he was going to do her and the way she wouldn’t back down and admits she was afraid just make his heart beats faster. She is so perfect. From her beautiful long hair and her violet grey eyes to her curves, they were all in perfect sync.

He placed both the note and the box of the piano and lay on the bed without bothering about the party that was still going on downstairs. He is already missing her sweet, sweet scene. Once he closes his eyes, he could remember her smile when she first bumps onto him in the canteen. He felt the oddest feeling ever, a feeling that he didn’t know how to describe. The moment he saw her, his heart were so content and happy. Now, she is no longer around him, he felt his heart clenches. As she danced with so much sexiness, he felt so lustful and he wanted so badly to pull her in, close to his body and kiss her pink mocking lips. The moment she asked for another man, his heart clenches again and he felt green with envy.

He didn’t remember what dream it was, but it was a lovely one. He could feel the sun warming his skin. He turns and felt something warm besides him. He pulls the person close to him. He could smell a strong scent of perfume and instantly his eyes flung open. He looks down and he could see a girl in his arms, her silver blonde hair perfectly curled. Immediately, he realizes who she is. ‘What the fuck!’ He shouted as he pushed her away from him and pulling away as though a monster is on his bed. The girl stirred and quickly sat up with her half-awake face.

‘Why are you so rough, sweetheart?’ She said. Damian stood up as he felt disgusted. ‘What the heck are doing in my room, Tatiana?’ He asked with anger and annoyance. ‘Sweetheart, I am your Tatiana, why are you acting like that?’ She asked with an innocent tone which made Damian feels annoying. ‘Scram!’ He shouted.

‘Ah, you’re being cruel, sweetheart.’ She said as though she was hurt. ‘I like that.’ She said it with an alluring tone. ‘You didn’t invite me to the party, so I invited myself in. But I saw you dancing with that whore!’ She said possessively. Damian shuddered a little with her cold glare but quickly shook it off. ‘Look, Tatiana, yes, we went out together for a few times but we’re never in a relationship. You knew all along, and I made that clear. So, please leave.’ He said bluntly. Her eyes filled with anger as she stood up. Her black eyes seem blacker now. ‘I hate that girl!’ She said angrily with her Romanian accent. ‘See you next week, baby. Pa, iubito.’ She said in Romanian. He has heard it before, one to many times that he understands what it means. It means ‘Bye, Sweetheart.’

She walks out of the room and Damian sighed. Craziest chick I’ve ever dated. Damian thought to himself. He brushed his teeth and got out to the beach to have a jog. All the party equipment was already kept except for the bar. He continued his run towards the sandy beach and began jogging with his IPod on. Memories of last night came to his mind and he could feel himself smile again. What a tough cookie. He thought with a grin on his face.

As he jogs, he could see a figure standing facing the sea not far away and he jogs towards that person. When he got close enough, he could see that, that is Dominic. He felt a little annoyed but his starting to get used to Dominic popping out in his life. ‘What are you doing here?’ Damian asked. ‘Just checking on you. How’s the party last night?’ Dominic asked. ‘I’m not a kid, Dominic. Last night was fun because you were not around.’ Damian said as he smirked. ‘Well, it can’t be help. I don’t want to be your babysitter but your body is slowly degrading, I have to be around when that happens. Last night can’t be that fun, right? I mean, is there that many super models?’ Dominic asked. ‘Yeah, too bad you didn’t come.’ Damian said sarcastically. ‘Ah, too bad, I had my share of fun last night with a girl.’ Dominic replied with a smirk on his face. ‘What girl?’ Damian asked out of curiosity. ‘Damn, I can still taste her soul!’ Dominic said with a satisfying smile on his face. Immediately, Damian caught what he meant. ‘You killed her?’ Damian asked. ‘Yeah, what else can I do? I was hungry. Wait, talking about hungry, it is about time, you get hungry, isn’t it?’ Dominic asked. ‘I’m not hungry, thank you.’ Damian replied. ‘Hey, don’t need to be shy, little brother. I can bring you out and we can have some tasty souls.’ Dominic said with a playful tone as he waved his hand out as though he could imagine all the girls queuing up for him to eat.

‘Unlike you, my taste is different. I don’t eat innocents.’ Damian said. Dominic arched an eyebrow at him and then let out a long sigh. ‘You’re too soft to a devil’s son, Damian.’ Dominic exaggerated. ‘I don’t care.’ Damian said as he continued to jog.

‘Hey, was there any girl in particular last night? Like the super-hot ones?’ Dominic asked with an anticipating tone. Damian was going to say no, so he could shut him up but instantly remember one person in particular. A smirk immediately spread across his face as he stared at Dominic who is now jogging with him. ‘Yeah, there’s one.’ He said. ‘Really? Well, don’t mind introducing her to me right? I mean, I kind of want to have a little fun tonight.’ Dominic said naughtily. ‘Sure, her name is Tatiana. She’s a model.’ Damian said. ‘I’ll call her out for you.’

After the jog, Damian had gone back to his room for a shower. Now, his standing next to the book shelf staring down his phone wondering why he didn’t ask for Shane’s number. He shook his head and sighed. Well, there is this thing called Facebook. Immediately, Damian flips his laptop on and taps her name on the search bar. Shane Aragon.

When her picture appeared, instantly, he pressed add as friend. A second later, she messaged him. ‘Wow, Casanova, that’s fast.’ She typed. Damian laughed. ‘That’s how I work, baby.’ He said.

‘Well, I don’t really know you, so I think I should press ‘ignore’.’

‘Hey! That’s not fair.’

‘Life’s not fair, Casanova.’

‘How about you let me bring you out for a date, then you only decide?’

‘Either way I look at it you still have your benefits, Casanova. I don’t think I’m that nice to let you do that.’

‘How about if you come with me tonight, you’ll get to see a show?’

‘What show?’

‘Something that would make you laughs so hard until you cry. Besides, Dominic will be there.’ Damian type with anger because he hated himself for typing that, she must be enjoying this.

‘Oh, okay then. If you made sure that it is an entertainment, then I’ll come. Never thought you would be so generous, Casanova.’ She said.

‘Haha, real funny, darling. Pick you up at seven, tonight. Dress nicely.’ Damian typed. He waited for her to reply but after a few minute, she went offline.

He picked his phone up and began dialing Tatiana’s number. One ring, two rings and then someone picked up. ‘Miss me already, sweetheart?’ Her annoying voice is so sharp that Damian had to pull the phone away. ‘Yes, baby. Tonight, I’ll see you at that French restaurant we went together, kay’? Don’t be late.’ He said. ‘Anything for you, sweetheart.’ She replied. Immediately, he hangs up not wanting to talk to her anymore. Then, he dialed Dominic’s number. ‘Dom, I got her to go to the French restaurant named Antonio. Get there at eight. She hates people who are late.’ Without waiting for Dominic to response, Damian hung up.

A wide grin spread across his face as he loved the thought of what would happen later.

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