Chapter Forty Five: Got you, Devil Boy!

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Sorry it took me that long to post this up. I was really busy lately. Well, enjoy this chapter :) And please comment. Please, please, please vote for me :))


Damian POV

The moment I landed on the ground, I could feel Shane’s warmth covered around me like a blanket and then I could feel her panic. Somehow, something in there made her feel really uncomfortable and I do not like it. Whoever hurt her, even for a tiny scratch, I would tear that person to pieces and beat him to pulp!

A woman stood before me swirling her tiny stick with weird sparkling things flowing around the stick. I knew that that is a witch and I could easily beat her and I would love to now but just as I was going to use my power on her. She screamed out to the top of her lungs in pain and fell to the floor as a knife flew right through her stomach. Well, she won’t die after all, she is a witch. I turned and faced my brother, Lucian with a thankful look but he only smirked at me. Quickly, we both ran straight towards that old house.

I could feel the panic in Shane rose up higher and her thoughts naturally were sent right into my mind involuntarily. ‘Please, no. Please, not be him.’ She screamed in her mind. I arched an eyebrow in confusion. Why not me? Doesn’t she want me to save her? Doesn’t she have any faith in me? I wanted to send her my feelings to comfort her but somehow her overwhelming fear did not let me touch her. If my feelings can’t touch her, then I would only have to do it physically.

With ease, I bashed the doors into pieces with Lucian and Lian both by my side. Nothing but a bunch of angels and other supernatural beings coming against me, why should I fear them?

The moment I step in the old house, I could hear the gasps from the vampires in the room. Clearly, they must have recognizes me. I was the infamous young prince who had killed himself for a reason where no one knows. They all stared at me blankly with their jaw dropping to the floor. After a few seconds, those vampires fell to their knees. ‘My prince, I can’t believe this, you had survived! But how? The monarchy of the Vampire Kingdom had fallen over nine hundred years now. Does that mean, my prince, you did not die?’ One of them said as he stared up at me like I was his admirer.

Although I died at a very young age, I had actually done many works for my father. Thus, my name had been spread across the Vampire world. But right now, this isn’t the problem, I am here to find Shane, and that is all. My eyes move around the room quickly, scanning for her but she isn’t here. Anger rise up to my throat as my fear grew as well. I was beginning to see red. I squeeze my hand into a fist as I glared down at the vampire who has been staring up at me for too long. ‘Where is Shane?!’ I shouted. I could hear my voice boomed into the old house, breaking the silence of the room. The vampire looked at me with confusion. ‘Why would you want to see that girl, Sire?’ He asked.

Lucian quickly pulled me away from his view and stopped me from speaking. I glared back at him. ‘You said that he is your prince, sunny boy.’ Lucian said. The vampire nodded. ‘I could recognize him even a mile away. He is no doubt our Vampire Prince, Prince Damian.’ The vampire replied. Lucian stared at him and I did too. Is he stupid? I am obviously the person they wanted to lure out and I am Damian. How could they not see that? Both Lucian and I stared at the vampire like he was stupid. And a minute later, realization kicks in and anger surfaces on his face. He plunge at me and was ready to attack. I heard Lucian laughed but I knew he was already in his fight.

‘You’re not my prince, you imposter!’ He shouted as he tried his best to scratch me with his vampire nails that I had once had before. I couldn’t help myself but laughed. ‘You seriously sounded too gay.’ I said as I avoided another one of his punch. ‘I am Prince Damian, idiot.’ I said honestly as he threw another punch at me with anger which I had easily avoided once again. ‘If you are really Prince Damian, then I am disappointed! This gives me every more reason to kill you!’ He spat. I turned and stared at him in confusion. My legs halted as his punch flew towards me. I did not intent to dodge that because I knew he would stop. After all, I am his most admirable Prince Damian. ‘Why?’ I asked without hesitation the moment his fist stopped right in front of my face. ‘Because you are the reason the vampires are cursed and the Vampire Kingdom fell! The one thing that should not have existed and that is you! Because of you, God was angry and cursed the vampires to have internal fear of the sunlight! Because of you, the vampires are now close to extinction!’ He shouted as he threw another punch at me.

I would have avoided it, but his words stab right through my heart. I am the reason why my sister, mother and father died? I am the reason why the vampires are close to extinction? A painful stabbing pain hit my jaw and I knew that he had manages to punch me in the face. It made me stagger back. But I still could not move.

‘It all links now. Why God was so angry? Why the King would not listen to my father’s reason on giving into the God’s wishes?’ The vampire said in despair. ‘What do you mean? What did my father do?’ I asked as I was still shocked. ‘The God wanted the vampires to help the Grimm to hunt the Damns! And that would mean, you!’ He shouted back at me.

Instantly, my legs buckled and I fell straight to the floor. My father had defied God to protect me? I felt as though a thousand needles stabbing my chest none stop. I could not speak. I could not find an excuse to help myself.

‘Why would you do this? To your people, to your family? Why?’ He asked as his voice broke into desperation as he fell to his knee as well. Both of us stared at each other but I can only shake my head. ‘I’m sorry.’ That was all that I could say.

I felt someone pulled me up to my feet once again and I turned to find Lucian glaring at me with anger. ‘This is not the time for your petty discussions brother! Your love is in there, go get her!’ He shouted. I quickly nodded and knew how distracted I was. I pushed pass the fighting crowd and bashed opened the door to the other room.

There she was standing before me, eyes filled with tears. She screamed out to her lungs to call me to get out but I didn’t listen. I continue to move towards her. But before I knew it, I felt someone’s body hit against me and pinned me down to the floor with his weigh. ‘Got you, Devil Boy!’ He shouted. 

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