Chapter Twenty: Hate

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As days passed,

I feel your life slip pass like an eel,

So fast,

I cannot catch up.

Only a few steps away,

I had lost you,

My dear brother,

I love you.


Leana Rutherford

Damian held on the old worn out letter as he read those simple words from his passed sister. It must be devastating to see him die before her eyes. The Rutherford Kingdom were never humans, they were all vampires. Proud as a creation of God. But it was also a creation of God that has brought them to the brink of extinction. Humans fear them as they are more superior. For that, they created Slayers and hunt the vampires down. Now, there are less than a thousand of them. God created them to control the population of the humans and to teach the humans to be good. Yet, because of that, the humans hated the vampires. And for that very reason, Leana and his passed family was killed.

Somehow, he is beginning to despise those petty humans. What had those vampires done wrong? Both are the creation of God, yet those humans killed the vampires out of fear. Vampires begged for the God’s help, yet he spat at their faces by cursing them with an eternity of fear of the sun, just because the vampires started hunting humans to cut down the number of Slayers from appearing.

Because of that, his past father killed himself by throwing himself to the sunlight at the same time cursed the God that created him and let his sister and mother died in vein. If it isn’t because Damian had read his sister’s diary, he would have been clueless. Leana had to watch every member of the family slowly dies, one by one, they all fell and finally, Leana stab herself in the chest, leaving the Vampire Kingdom and this mortal world.

Damian cursed the God for his stupidity and idiotic actions. He cursed the God for not helping the vampires. He hates Him, he hates the humans and most of all he hates his own pathetic life. His past memories is slowly coming back, every one of his misery, slowly suck away his happiness. He can’t fall in love with a Grimm, knowing that in the end, they would kill each other. He can’t continue to live a normal human life, because his body is breaking. He hates it all.

After that day, he had tried his very best to avoid her. It isn’t because he was afraid of her but it was because he was afraid of himself. If he ever fall for her again, that would mean she would have to go through that pain of killing him. He doesn’t want that at all. He wants her safe and sound. 

His time as a human is going short, his body is deteriorating and he knows it. Although he does not faint like the last two times, he is beginning to cough a lot. But sometimes, he would cough out blood out of the blue but he managed to hide it. Now, here in this football game, he hopes that this stupid body of his would not let him down.

The crowd roars in excitement as Damian and his team mate got out to the field. This is the only thing in his life that could stay normal. And he wishes to win this battle for this human body and life he had lived. There was one more wish that he had given up long ago, but when he looked up he couldn’t help but smile.

‘Dude! Timothy Vleming is here!’ One of the guys in the crowd said. Damian’s eyes meet his father’s. Damian could read his father’s emotions even though he is so far away. His father’s eyes are filled with concern. But he had not seen those eyes when his mother is dying. Damian still couldn’t forgive him for not being there for his mother but he didn’t mind him here. Immediately, he smirked at his father. But something at the corner caught his eyes, Damian’s eyes widen unwillingly. It’s her. She’s sitting at the far corner of the benches. Her eyes lock on to his.  Somehow he shivered unwillingly with pleasure. Her violet grey eyes send pleasure down to every cell of his body, even though her eyes filled with the same concern as his father. A smile spread across his face and instantly he regretted it. He shook his head and walks towards the field. What was he doing? A Grimm and a Devil’s son can never be together.

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