Chapter Four: I Am Your Worst Nightmare

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Damian walked out of the hospital and quickly got on to a taxi. He would very much prefer to be driving, but he is still having that major headache from yesterday. As he sat quietly, he began to think about Dominic’s words. Is it true? Is it true that he is the son of an angel and a devil? But he felt very much human. Is there a way to know that you’re a demonic creature?

And then, he head slapped his head. Why should he be thinking about such absurd things? Of cause he couldn’t understand how a demonic creature feels like, he is very much human. He let out a sigh of relief and looks out of the window with a smile. As the taxi stop in the traffic, his eyes widen with shock. His palms began to sweat and he began to shiver.

He could see it, those black shadows like creatures floating in the air above an old man. Both creatures had no face, it was nothing but black. Both of them were holding a scythe with wordings he can’t see clearly. Both of them held their skeletal hands into the old man’s body and then a faint blue glow was taken out.

Damian look around to see if anyone else saw it but no, everyone else didn’t see it, it was like they were never there. And then, within a second after those two creatures disappeared, the old man held on to his heart and was gasping for air. Quickly, Damian jumped out of the cab and ran towards the old man. But it was too late, Damian kneels down to the man to see if he was alive but he was no longer breathing. People began to gather around that old man. Although they were just standing there, whispering and talking about how unfortunate that old man is he could hear clearly that they could care less.

‘Oh, what a drag.’ Damian heard. He turned to see who was the one who spoke such selfish words but that man was already gone. One by one, he began to hear people speaking but not with their mouth, it was with their minds. He took a step back and gulped his saliva with shock as he watches them stare down at that dead old man with thoughts that was so foul he felt like spitting on to them. Slowly, he looks at them with eyes of disgust and then he could see it, the light that glow within them like that old man. But it wasn’t as bright as the old man’s it was all tainted; it was not blue but greyish. Yet, somehow, it seems so…….delicious. He stared at the man that was closes to him and began to take his step closer.

With a speed that no human eyes can match, he drags the man into the alley and pushed him against the wall. Damian’s eyes were lock on to the glowing greyish blue light in the man’s heart. He glared back up into the man’s eyes which were in fear. Damian could see it all, those innocent people that this man had killed for his own selfish needs. He could see every bad deed that this man had done.

Damian began to speak. ‘How many innocents had you killed?’ Damian asked with a voice that he himself did not recognize. It was filled with evil that made Damian himself shivers. That man stared at Damian with fear and began to stumble upon his own words. ‘I could see them, crying out in vein.’ Damian said. ‘I could hear them, whispering for me to take revenge.’

‘What are you…….?’ That man asked.

‘Let’s just say, I am your worst nightmare.’ Damian replied and began to move closely towards the man. With ease, Damian’s hand stab into the man’s chest. The man shouted in pain. ‘Wow, I could feel the dark energy beating from your heart.’ He said it with a tone of pleasure. The greyish blue light move into Damian and immediately turned gold. Damian smiled pleasantly as he stared at the man’s eyes as the man’s eyes turned white.

‘Damian!’ A familiar voice shouted at him. He turned to the person with caution and realizes it was Dominic. ‘Damn! I left for less than fifteen minute and you have just made such a mess.’ Dominic said.

Damian did not reply. He just stared at his bloody hands with fear within his heart. Learning that what he had done was far than natural, it was supernatural. It was something similar like the black shadowy creature did to the old man, but with a more evil way. His heart was beating really hard against his chest. He realizes that he is evil. What was worst is not that he realizes that he is what Dominic said he is, but it was because he liked it. No, he loved it. Right at the moment, he saw that greyish blue light, he felt like his saliva was going to flow out. It was like a new drug, it was like cocaine and heroin. It is addictive. When he looked straight into that man’s eyes, he could so much evil deeds he had done, and he wanted to burn that man’s soul. He wanted to see him suffer in intense pain and torture. Worst of all, Damian knew he loves it. He loves to see that man’s face turns pale and all the blush on his face was all sucked away like that greyish blue light and into Damian’s body. And right after that, Damian could feel intense strength flowing around him. Even though it was a little absurd, Damian actually wanted to spread his wings and fly. That is the reason why he had feared himself. Because he knew that he would like it so much that there will be no turning back. And now, there is no turning back.

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