Chapter Fifteen: The Reason Why I Choose You

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Tatiana whined about wanting to joining Damian but Damian coldly waved her off and pulled Shane to the car. They got into the car and now they’re on their way to…… She actually have no idea where.

‘Where are we going?’ She asked. Damian didn’t answer but smirked at her. ‘Come on, tell me!’ She said. Damian ignored her and continued to drive. ‘Somewhere nice.’ He replied. She rolled her eyes. ‘You’re not taking me somewhere real quiet, are you? Because if you’re planning to do that you would fail, I would kick your balls till it flattens.’ She said. Damian laughed and continues the drive. ‘So, what does the dinner tells you about me?’ Damian asked. ‘Same as the rumors, you’re a playboy and totally spoiled!’ She said and heard him chuckled. ‘Here we are.’ Damian said as he pulled over to the side of the road. She stepped out of the car and could feel the breeze blowing. They’re at the beach. She could see the moonlight shinning down the dark glittering sea, making the sea looks like another sky filled with stars. The waves softly splash at the sea front in a slow and soft rhythm. It is beautiful.

Damian pulled her delicate palm down to the soft sandy beach. He pull out his shoes and socks and held it on his hands, she pull out her agonizingly painful high heels and step on to the sand like Damian. A smile spread across Damian face as he admires her beautiful features under the moonlight. ‘Come on.’ Damian said with a silvery voice of his that melts Shane’s heart.

Both of them walk under the moonlight close to the edge of the beach and let the cold water splash their legs. They didn’t speak to each other and enjoy the silent wind. Damian stopped his steps and turns to Shane. Shane looks into Damian beautiful emerald green eyes that seem to glow in this darkness. She could see that Damian is looking into her eyes as well. Both of them held their stare and Shane felt as though the time had slowed down. Each second she stares into those green orbs she agonizingly wants his touch and his lips crushing onto hers yet, every second pass, she knows she couldn’t do it.

‘Let’s sit.’ Damian said as he broke the silence. Shane nodded and sat obediently. She could see Damian toss his shoes aside and stared out the sea as though someone was there. She frowned and sighed. ‘Why didn’t you want me to go?’ She asked. Damian frowned at her in confusion. ‘When you were at the hospital.’ She added. He let out a sigh and shook his head. ‘I do not know. Somehow, when you were with me that time, I felt a little…..’ He didn’t continue. Shane waited for another minute. ‘I felt a little less tired when I was with you.’ Damian finally said. ‘Tired? You mean because of your sickness?’ She asked. Damian shook her head. ‘When my nose bleed at the café, before I got to the hospital, deep down I knew that my time would come soon.’ Damian said. Immediately, Shane’s hands move to her mouth as she covered her fear. ‘What do you mean?’ Shane asked. Somehow she knew what he meant but she felt her heart clench so painfully she didn’t want it to be what she thinks it is. ‘My mother had the same sickness. I’ve seen her faint the first time that symptom appeared. Slowly, she faint and cough out blood more and more often. I was beside her until the very end.’ She could hear Damian’s voice shake as he finished the last sentence. ‘Even the doctor had no clue what is it. When I was at the hospital, I didn’t want to die, I was denying the fact that I would die. So I climb out of the bed and tried to sneak out but then I saw you.’ Damian said. Shane’s eyes widen and she couldn’t speak a word. ‘Your eyes are so beautiful. Somehow, I was mesmerized by you. After you helped me back into my room, you made me realize that the fact that I was dying was undeniable.’ He said. She swallowed hard and stared at Damian as she listened to Damian. ‘So, when you said you wanted to tell me something that was it? You wanted to tell me that you were dying?’ She asked. Damian smiled weakly and nodded. ‘That is one of it.’ He added. ‘I also wanted to thank you.’

‘Damian, you’re not dying.’ She said with a serious tone. Damian smiled at her and shook his head. ‘My mother’s doctor said that I have the exact symptoms. I can no longer deny it.’ Damian said. ‘Damian, you’re not dying!’ She said as she held his face. A smirk spread across his face and instantly she pulled her hand away. ‘Do you want me to be around?’ He asked. She swallowed. She wanted so badly but she couldn’t make herself to say it. ‘If you want me to be around, I’ll fight it.’ Damian said. Shane let out a sigh and nodded. ‘No matter how annoying you are, Casanova, I do not want you to die. Yes, I do want you around.’ She answered. Damian smiled and got closer to her ear. ‘Then, I’ll fight till the end.’ Damian whispered.

‘But I do not get it. Damian, of all the girls, why me?’ She asked. Damian frowned. ‘Why am I the one that you would want to fight for to live? How about your father? How about those other girls you have dated? Why not them, why me?’ She asked.

‘Because my father is not always around and to be honest until today I have not forgiven him for what he had done to mother. The other girls aren’t like you.’ He said. Shane felt her cheeks warmth with heat and she couldn’t speak. She needed to change the subject. ‘What did your father did to your mother?’ She quickly asked. She could see Damian’s eyes flashes in anger and she knew she shouldn’t have asked. ‘I don’t want to talk about it.’ Damian said. She knew she had to change the subject again.

‘So bringing me out here is to show me your sensitivity and the fact that you’re dying?’ She asked. Damian smirked and nodded. ‘So, what do you think about me now?’ Damian said. ‘You’re still a Casanova.’ She said and heard Damian chuckled.

Suddenly, she felt a slight hint of demonic aura and quickly she look around for anything or any demonic creature. Damian looked around in confusion of what Shane is looking for. She scans the beach and could see no one. And then her eyes fell onto the familiar man’s silhouette, she knew that Chad would be the backup, so she isn’t surprised that he is still here. But somehow, the demonic aura is getting closer. She could see Chad taking his guarding stand and she stood up and protectively guards Damian. ‘What is it?’ Damian asked. She didn’t reply, she couldn’t tell him that there are demons in this world. Even if she told him about demons, he wouldn’t be able to see them. He is of cause a human after all.

Suddenly, three creatures with bulky body and a dog like head with horns appeared. Chad quickly ran towards where Shane and Damian stood. Damian frowned in confusion but stared at Shane and Chad in disbelief. ‘What is this?’ Damian asked with a little frustration in his voice. ‘Damian, I can’t tell you, I’m sorry.’ She said.

‘Look, boy, you’re just a human. You can’t beat these guys, so quit talking.’ Chad said with annoyance in his voice. Shane flashed a hint of disagreement to Chad and Chad rolled his eyes. ‘Human?’ Damian asked as though it was the most outrageous thing in the world. ‘Aren’t we all?’ Damian asked in the most sarcastic tone, which made Shane felt odd. It was as though he was fed up. Shane couldn’t see his face know, he must be thinking that both of them are crazy and that she call her friend to follow them around. ‘You were here the whole time, aren’t you?’ Damian asked with anger. Chad didn’t reply as he caught Shane’s expression. ‘Unbelievable!’ Damian let his hand up in the air and pushes his way out of the two’s guarding. ‘Damian! Don’t go is dangerous!’ She shouted.

Damian didn’t reply as he continues to walk towards the car but the demon was still in front of him and he was walking towards the demon. Shane quickly ran towards Damian but stopped as she saw him stared at the demon. It wasn’t just a stare, there was no fear in his eyes but there was certainly hate. Shane blinked twice to make sure she isn’t hallucinating. Damian could see those things. He glared at the demon so hard and filled with so much rage that the demon fell to the floor and shuddered in fear. Shane swallowed at the sight. Chad shook his head and ran towards Damian. Damian turns around and glared at Chad with the same cold eyes which made Chad stop. The other demon plunge themselves towards Damian and Damian kicked both of them out of his way with ease and walked off with anger.

Shane couldn’t move. Is he really a human? Or is he a Fury or a Damn? But she could not feel any demonic aura around him. She needs to know. So, she ran and pulled Damian back. ‘What are you?’ She asked in anger. ‘Isn’t that supposed to be my question?’ Damian asked as he took a step closer to Shane with his cold eyes lock on to hers. ‘I am a Grimm!’ She shouted knowing that she would regret it. ‘What are you? Are you a Damn?’ She asked. ‘A Grimm! Oh, now, you have no worries, Grimm, they’re here for me!’ Damian said in anger and turned on his heels to walk away. ‘So, you’re a Damn!’ She asked in anger. ‘A Damn is nothing near to what I am, missy! And missy, I do not want to see you ever again!’ He spat and got into his car.

Shane felt her heart clench and it was as though a tiny hole is growing bigger. She felt pain as she watch his drove away as the other demons ran to follow. 

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