1.19 - spare key

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chapter nineteen
spare key

I wrap my towel around me as I leave my bathroom

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I wrap my towel around me as I leave my bathroom. I hear a floorboard creak causing me to freeze. I curse before picking up one of the throwing knives I had stored away in the cardboard box. I slowly walk out before swearing.

"What are you doing here?" I question angrily. Both Diggle and Oliver look at me with wide eyes, Oliver displays a smirk. I pull the towel closer around myself.

"We had to talk." Oliver responds seriously.

"No, I mean how did you get inside."

"I have a spare key."

"I'm sorry what!" I screech causing Diggle to wince.

"You never know what might happen." He responds like it was nothing. I gran before walking back into the bathroom. I quickly change and put actual clothes on before walking back out. I freeze seeing Oliver hold my suit. "Give that to me." I order holding my hands out.

"Is this yours?" Oliver asks.

"Yes now give it back."

"You're going to go out and fight aren't you?" He questions angrily.

"I think we already know the answer to that." I respond grabbing the suit from him.

"Please don't shut me out." He states walking closer. "We want to help you."

"I can't have you risk your life for my problems. Either of you." I look towards Diggle. Oliver sighs.

"Okay I've tried to be gentle but I can't do that anymore." I look up at him with my eyebrow raised. "This is my city and my team will help take this person down!"

"You don't even know what you're looking for."

"I'll find a way." I shake my head at his comment before walking back to my room.

"Do whatever you want Oliver." I state with my back turned. "Just go and don't let yourself in again, please." I turn to face him as he gives me a grim look. My phone rings from the kitchen bench.

"Are you going to answer that?" Diggle questions. I look down causing Oliver to see who is calling. I knew it was Dick.

"No. Now go." I mutter walking to the door and opening it. Both comply as they leave the apartment. I shut the door before declining the call. "I knew it." I mutter looking down at the declined call. Dick Grayson. I shake my head before looking up. It's now or never. I can do this. I quickly move towards my room and get changed into my suit. Onyx is back.

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