1.13 - Curtis meet Grayson, Grayson meet Curtis

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chapter thirteen
cutis meet grayson

I unlock my apartment door and swing it wide open

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I unlock my apartment door and swing it wide open.

"Home sweet home." On our way over the two of really got to know each other which felt right as he is part of Oliver's team.

"Where have you been? Did you forget about our lunch and why does it smell like guy in here." My head shoots up to see Grayson standing up front the couch.

"Shit, I'm so so sorry." I state placing my bag in the bench. "I've been with Oliver Queen and he stayed here last night." I give a cheeky smile as I walk over to my closet.

"Oliver slept here?" I heard Curtis question shocked.

"Yep." I state popping the 'p'. "Oh Curtis this is Grayson, Grayson this is Curtis, Oliver's friend."

"Hey." I year Curtis state.

"Hi." I open the doors to the closet and reach up to the cardboard box placed at the very top. I place it on my bed as both men converse in conversation. A word written in black sharpy causes me freeze. 'Titans'. Memories flood my brain from what feels like another life. I take in a shaky breath before brushing those thoughts to the side. I quickly open the box and dig around trying to find the USB. My hands stumbles across a leather leotard. I sigh pulling it out to see it more clearly. The leather leotard with a matching black skirt stares back at me. I look back into the box and find my corset that went with the outfit and my back mask. I breathe out a breath letting the emotions take over me. My dad made this outfit with the same fabric his is made from. From the small rips to the dried blood patches, it's been with me through it all.

"Hey the suit looks nice." Dick states walking up to me.

"You don't think it looks too much like dad's?"

"A little but you can't tell." I sigh in reply. "You know this is his way of showing he cares, right?" I sigh.

"Yeah." I reply smiling at Dick.

"You ready to go you two?"

"Yeah." Dick replies holding his baton behind his neck. I watch and Dad looks at me before smiling.

"Alright let's go." Dick flicks his fighting stick around in his hand before following my father out of the building, myself not far behind.

"You found it?" Curtis yells. My heart pounds against my chest as I break out of thoughts. I quickly place the outfit back in the box.

"Yeah I'm coming." I reply. I quickly dig around and find the USB before packing up the box and placing it back in the closet. "Got it." I state holding it up. Both Grayson and Curtis split apart as soon as look up at them. I smirk.

"Alright we better be going." Curtis states standing up I giggle picking up my bag and placing the stick in.

"You can stay here till whenever you want but we gotta go, bye." I walk over to the door.

"Bye." I hear him reply. I watch as Curtis walk out, I follow behind him automatically. I leave the door unlocked as I know Grayson has a spare key.

"Your friends nice." Curtis states casually. I can't help but laugh. I ship it.

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