1.12- meeting team arrow

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chapter twelve
meeting team arrow

The two of us separate quickly causing Oliver to sigh in annoyance

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The two of us separate quickly causing Oliver to sigh in annoyance.

"So this is why you've been MIA." A young man asks wearing a hockey top. I feel my face turning hot as I turn hide my face turning around away from the crowd. I let out a shaky breath attempting to calm myself down. The sound of high heels clicking against the concrete floor causes me to turn around. A lady around my age with blonde hair and glasses stomped angrily up to the platform and logging into a computer. I hear Oliver sigh as he take my hand in his and pulls my over to the group.

"This is Adalyn, Adalyn this is John Diggle, Felicity, Rene, Curtis and Dinah."  I nod and smile in response to Oliver's introduction. The man, John Diggle, walks up to me with his hand outstretched. I let go of Oliver and comply shaking it.

"Welcome Adalyn, you can call me Diggle if you'd like."

"Thank you Diggle." I reply with a smile. The team moves towards Felicity leaving me to feel a little out of place. I follow them up to the platform few seconds behind. I watch as I lean against a railing with my arm crossed. Oliver looks over to me as I give him a smirk. He smiles shaking his head before concentrating back on the screen. All of a sudden a phone rings causing of Felicity to pick it up.

"Hello?" Silence follows. "Oh, oh ok." Felicity states standing up. She quickly grabs her bag which is placed on the counter. "I'll be right there." She hangs up the phone before turning to Oliver. "I'm so sorry, I've got to go it's my mum she- I don't even know." She rambles standing up, "I'll be back really soon I promise."

"It's fine Felicity." Felicity begins to walk out as I speak.

"I can do it if you want?" She pauses turning around giving me a confused expression.

"You can?" Oliver question with a smirk. He crosses his arms across his torso.

"Yeah." I push myself away from the rail and walk over to the chair. "May I?" Oliver nods as I sit down. Taking in the screen I quickly get to work on figuring out where the man their hunting is. I shake my head before turning my chair around to face team arrow. "I can't do it with these programs. I have this program back at my apartment that I can download onto network." I state with a smile.

"A program?" Diggle questions.

"Yeah it uses thermal radiation to follow the person you want around."

"How do you have this?" Dinah questions. By the way she looks at me I could tell she didn't trust a stranger. I respect that.

"I use to be involved with a team like this and still have some things stored away." I state shrugging my shoulders. I stand up before readjusting my bag on my shoulder. "I have it on a USB, I'll be 10 minutes tops." Oliver nods in my direction causing me to smile and walk away.

"Wait." A voice states causing me to stop, "I'll go with you." I turn to see Curtis walking over to me. I give him a friendly smile before walking over to the elevator, Curtis hot on my tail.

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