1.2 - meeting Oliver Queen

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chapter two
meeting oliver queen

"Wayne!" My head snaps to the voice calling my name

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"Wayne!" My head snaps to the voice calling my name. I quickly place the papers down on my desk before almost running over to my Miss Clark, my boss.

"Yes?" I question trying to calm myself. It's never usually a good thing when she asks for your presence.

"I need you to do a story on the new mayor."

"Oliver Queen?"

"Do you know of any other mayor Star City has right now?"

"No, I'm sorry." I state, "Stupid question." She looks me in the eyes without saying a word. I smile her way which causes her face to harden. "I'll get the story to you by the end of the week." I state excusing myself from the situation.

"What did she what?" Grayson, my friend here at channel 52, asks walking beside me. The two of us fall into step.

"She wants a story on the mayor."



"Damn, so lucky."

"Excuse me?" We arrive at my desk as I turn and sit on the glass table.

"You get to interview the hottest man in the whole of Star city and you don't even seem remotely excited." I laugh to myself.

"Your unbelievable." He smiles at me before walking over to his desk positioned across the room. He pretends to faint into his chair as I shake my head. I mouth to him 'shut up' before sitting back in my chair and getting into my new piece.


I walk across the and concrete path leading me to the entrance of city hall. Inside there was a pack of news reporters to the left and a few police man to the right, I assume to keep the reporters at bay. I walk up to one of the security guards standing near the steps.

"I'm here to interview the mayor." I state showing him my identification, "I'm from channel 52." The security guard looks at me before looking at the card. He nods his head before leading me across the room and to the elevator. The two of us stand in silence become getting to the right floor. Upon exiting the elevator the room I notice the room busy, people walking in each direction.

"Follow me please miss Wayne." I follow the guard down the hallway and to the room at the end. The door closed. The guy knocks on the door three times. "Mr mayor, your 11:00 is here." I hear a faint 'come in' before he opens the door and motions for me to go in.

"Thank you." I walk into the room displaying a big desk, huge glass windows with a man starring out of him. "Good morning sir." I state breaking the silence. He turns around and walks over to me.

"I'm Oliver Queen."  He places his hand out to shake. I respond by doing so.

"Adalyn Wayne."

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