1.28 - the talk

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chapter twenty-eight
the talk

The door opens to reveal Oliver

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The door opens to reveal Oliver. He shuts it behind him.

"Didn't want to share that you had a child?" He nods expecting this.

"Im sorry. I didn't know it would be an issue? Do you not like children?" I shake my head.

"What no I love children! And I'm happy you have one of your own, its just that I cant let you fight my battles with a son." He sighs understanding.


"No. Look I had a vigilante for a father and it was a-lot okay? Worrying if he was going to to come home or not. At least I had Dick! He doesn't." He goes to open his mouth to speak but I hold my hand up. " I cant let you fight."

"No Adalyn." He states. "I wont let you face this without me."

"I'll be fine!" I state taking his hands. "I have Dick, the titans. I couldn't bear it if something happened to you and William lost his father." Oliver looks at me unhappy with what I'm saying. "I'll stop this, I promise." I kiss him on the cheek before walking away.

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