1.23 - more questions than answers

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chapter twenty-three
more questions than answers

chapter twenty-threemore questions than answers

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third person pov

Oliver watches Adalyn walk out of the bunker before sighing. He knew her life was a triggering subject.

"Is she ok?" Curtis questions.

"Yeah." Oliver responds. "I think we're done for the night, go home and stay safe." Rene, Curtis and Dinah nod before collecting their things and heading out the bunker. Oliver turns towards Diggle and Felicity.

"Did you know?" Diggle questions.

"Yeah." He responds. Oliver sighs. A phone rings from Adalyn bag causing Oliver to walk over.  "It's the same number as the one she didn't want to answer." He explains. "Back in her apartment."

"Oliver don't answer it." Felicity states. He ignores her answering the phone.

"Adalyn! Please don't hang up I need to know if your ok?"

"Sorry this isn't Adalyn it's Oliver."

"Where is she?" The voice orders.

"She's here." Oliver could tell by his tone she was important to her. "She's safe."

"I need to to give me her location." Oliver frowns.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Dick Grayson. Who are you?"

"Oliver Queen."

"Look it's nice to meet you but I need her location." Oliver looks up at Diggle causing him to shrug. Oliver gives him the address before hanging up.

"Oliver!" Felicity warns.

"It's fine." The elevator dings opening to see Adalyn.

"Where did they go?" She questions walking in. Oliver frowns seeing her face.

"I sent them home." He responds. "I think you should go too and rest. I'll walk you home." Adalyn nods grabbing her bag.

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