1.8 - its never good to dwell on memories

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chapter eight
it's never good to dwell on memories

chapter eightit's never good to dwell on memories

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I lean against my front door with a sigh. I can't, physically mentally everything. What a day. I place my bag on the kitchen bench before running my hand through my hair. A siren rings a few streets away increasing my headache. I walk into my bedroom before flopping on my bed and into my many pillows. My eyes connect with a photo of my father and I when I was young. I smile getting up off the bed. I pick up the photo frame. The photo consists of myself standing beside my father holding a long metal pole, on the other side of Bruce there stands Richard Grayson, all three of us look tired and from the recent work out. I'm pretty sure I was about 17 when this photo was taken, and Dick was 18. The photo was taken a few years after Dick was invited to live with us. I smile at the memory of him.

"Dick wait!" I state before giggling. He shushes me before walking over to grab my hand.

"You better be quiet or we will both be in trouble." I laugh at his threat before instantly covering my mouth with my hand. Dick shakes his head before pulling me along. The sound of footsteps echo through the mansion causing us to hide. "Shhhh." I try to silence my laugh as Alfred walks past us, the two of us undetected. As soon as he is out of site we run through the halls, still hand in hand, all the way to the top level of the home. I watch as Dick climbs onto the roof and out of my site. "Do you want help getting up?"

"No, I'm ok." I reply pulling myself up out of the window and onto the roof. "I'll never get tired of this view." Dick nods his head in reply as we walk over to the right hand side to sit down. The two of us too out into a forest. The trees painted slightly orange, a slightly cool breeze blowing through my hair and the sky painted a light yellow. "It's beautiful." I state looking out.

"Yeah it is."

I miss our time together everyday. Like every friendship we had our ups and downs but I always knew he had my back as I had his. Leaving him was one of the hardest things I've ever done. When I left we made a promise to write to each other daily through email. I kept up my end of the deal however I've never gotten a reply back. I stand up to grab the picture frame I've positioned in front of the tv in the living room. It's the two of us out in the garden during winter. The ground is covered in snow and the two of us are rugged up with many layers. I smile as a tear falls down my cheek. I miss him more than I'd like to admit. I walk back to my bed and get under the covers not even caring about my clothes and close my eyes, the picture frame clutched in my hands.

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