1.18 - forbidden phone call

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chapter eighteen
forbidden phone call

I enter my apartment before slamming my bag onto the kitchen bench

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I enter my apartment before slamming my bag onto the kitchen bench. I quickly lock the door behind me before walking through my apartment. I sigh running my hand through my hair. This can't be happening. A take a few deep breaths before I make my way towards my closest and retrieve the cardboard box. I quickly open it and turn it upside down causing all its contents to fall out. All the memories from the previous years spread out in front of me. I quickly look through the pile consisting of photos, flash drives and other memories from my past life at Wayne manor. I pick up my suit from off the floor before grabbing a coat hanger and hanging it on the hook positioned on the back of my door. I step back looking at it with my hands on my hips. I can't let this city down, but I can't do it by myself. I move across the apartment and towards my bag. I grab my phone and scroll through the contacts before pausing. Richard Grayson. I let out a shaky breath as I press the button ringing him, putting the phone against my ear. It dials once, twice, a third time and he picks up.

"Hello?" I don't reply as he speaks again. "Hello?" The sound of his voice brings back many memories. Happy, sad and everything in between. I sniff as a tear falls down my cheek. "Adalyn?" He whispers. I don't think twice before hanging up. I place it down on the kitchen bench before walking back to my room. That was a mistake. He won't want to hear from me. I grab my suitcase out of the closet before packing a few things, just in case. Just in case I need to leave quickly.

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