1.35 - they all lived happily ever after...

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chapter thirty-five
they all lived happily ever after...

I place the box down in Oliver's appartment as I look around nod smile

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I place the box down in Oliver's appartment as I look around nod smile. Behind me Grayson carries a box in and behind him Oliver.

"That's the last of it." I smile towards Oliver as he pulls me into a hug. Since the fight Grayson and Oliver have gotten quite close. Dick and his team left to go back to their head quarters and for myself, I'm settling into my new home.

"Thank you for helping, both of you." I smile.

"No worries." Grayson states, "I should get going though." I hug Grayson before he leaves the appartment shutting the door behind him.

"The last time I lived with someone it was with my father." Oliver laughs at my comment.

"I can confirm living here will be way better than at Wayne Mannor." I smile.

"I hope so." I state with a smirk before grabbing a box and walking towards Oliver bedroom. I place it down beside the bed before opening it. I pull out a few photographs from my old appartment and place them on the bedside table. I smile at the memories before chatter takes me out of my thoughts. William is home. I walk out into the living area.

"Adalyn!" He runs up and hugs me which surprises me. I hug him back. "Come sit tell me the truth." I follow his confused with where this is going. "Do you or do you not know both Batman and Superman?" I laugh as Oliver continues to move boxes around.

"It's true."

"Do you know their secret identities?"

"Oh of course I do."

"Please tell me!" I pause looking at his wide eyes. I can't tell him about Clark but I'll share about Dad.

"Ok fine, but you can't tell anyone!" I state, "Promise?"

"I promise!" I smile.

"Batman's my father." William begins to loose his mind asking questions about when he's going to meet him and what he's like in real life. I laugh before answering his questions leaving William with a positive view of one of his idols.

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