1.3 - the interview

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chapter three
the interview

Oliver smiles at me before mentioning towards the two chairs

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Oliver smiles at me before mentioning towards the two chairs. I smile and nod before taking a seat.

"Ok, um I'll just ask a few questions and," I grab a recorder out of my bag, "do you mind if I record."

"No, not at all." I preceded to ask a few questions. I watch as he watches me with an curious expression.

"Is um, is everything ok?"

"Yeah sorry, you were saying."

"Um..er." I stumble over my words trying to collect myself. All of a sudden the door bursts open causing me to stand up ready to fight.

"Mr mayor." The man looks at me before continuing, "Something important has come up and I'm going to need to talk to you alone."

"Ok give me a second." Oliver replies. The man walks out of the office as Oliver looks back at me. I quickly collect my things before looking at him again, not once did his eyes leave me. His look had confusion mixed with interest.

"Thank you for your time."

"Did you get all you needed?"

"Well I did have a few more questions but I think I can work with what I have." I smile at him one last time before walking past him and to the door.

"Oh Adalyn?"

"Yes?" I question turning back around to face him, my hand on the door handle.

"Would you like to meet up sometime, maybe you could ask me the rest of your questions." I stay quiet. This is far from anything that is ethical. He looks at me with his eye cocked, waiting for his answer.

"Sure." I reply it's a forced smile, "Where would you like to meet?"

"Tonight 6:00, I'll meet you out the front of this building." He replies, "I'll drive." I nod before walking out of the office. I'm going to regret this.

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