1.22 - Adalyn's backstory

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chapter twenty-two
Adalyn's backstory

I take a drink of water my the three students rest infront of me

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I take a drink of water my the three students rest infront of me. We had done many rounds of training, non of which where successful.

"Before you said you've had experience. What do you mean about that?" Dinah questions taking a sip of her water. I pause thinking. I breath out.

"Okay." I cross my arms across my chest. "I use to fight along side Batman."

"What?" Rene question sitting up.

"I was Batman's..." I pause cringing. "Side kick. You could say I was close to him and I was apart if his team. Robyn and I, Onyx, fought crime in Gotham City. I was also apart of the justice league at one point and have connections to Superman, The Flash and many other heroes." I finish not sharing any personal information. All three look at me. "I've had experience with the Joker because he is Batman's enemy. Meaning we've had run ins before." The room is silent.

"You know Superman?"

"You know Batman?"

"You know the Justice League?"

"How do you know them?" I breathe out as memories floor back to me. I become overwhelmed.

"Excuse me please." I state walking across the bunker. The room goes quiet as I walk into the elevator. The elevators move upwards before stopping. I get out and move through the abandoned room and move outside. I breath in the fresh air as a tear falls down. As much as I hate my dad for treating me more of a superhero and less of a daughter, I miss my life in Gotham. I miss Dick and I miss the friends I made. I miss Clark Kent, Superman, and Diana Prince and Donna Troy, Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl. The people I was closest to in Gotham city.

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