1.32 - the fight III

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chapter thirty-two
the fight III

I run past Dinah before jumping to hit someone in the head

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I run past Dinah before jumping to hit someone in the head. I land looking up. I hear laughter as I freeze. Down the street I see him. My face hardens as I begin to run towards him. Everything blurs as my vision narrows to only see him. I hear someone yell out my name but I ignore them as I continue running. I hold up the stick and yell before jumping up and smacking it down on the Jokers head. He stumbles back laughing as I attack him again. He begins to fight back as I continue to attack. I falter for a second causing him to shove me. I fly and roll across the ground causing my stick to fly away. He runs towards me as I roll away. I push my legs up and push him away. He's stronger meaning my kick had no impact. I attempt again causing him to be shoves forward. I get myself up and kick him again causing him to fall backwards. I move towards the ground to straddle him as I punch him repeatedly in the face. He continues to laugh as I continue to throw punches. I can hear Oliver yelling as I continue my movement getting angrier by the second. Someone grabs me before throwing me into the side of the building. I open my eyes groaning to see Harley help the Joker up. I shake my head attempting to push myself up but I fall back down.

"Adalyn." I look up to Oliver worried. He drops his bow before attempting to pull me up[.

"Im fine." I mutter. I attempt to push myself up again and fail but this time Oliver catches me pulling me up against him. I see a blast of fire hit Harley as Dick kicks the Joker backwards. i push myself up to help him. "Get me up." I mutter not taking my eyes off Dick. Oliver helps me up knowing what I want to do.

"Your hurt, be careful."

"Im fine." I stumble across concrete as my head spins. I pick up my stick almost falling over. Oliver grabs me just in time pulling me up. I continue to walk over swinging my stick. Towards the Joker who had just stood up again. Gar runs up towards a few more goons in tiger form as Curtis fights a few more. My stick makes contact with him causing him to fall down. Dinah takes the opportunity to arrest him. Harley is down. The goons are down and the Joker may have a concussion. Dick grabs me holding me up as I drop the stick, my vision is still a little blurring and a shooting pain in my arm and torso increases. I grab onto him as we watch Dinah struggler to keep him down. Kory helps to hold him down. Oliver walks up to us as Dick hands me over causing me to lean against Oliver. I watch as Dick helps Dinah and they handcuff him.

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