1.15 - "how did you get this number?"

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chapter fifteen
"how did you get this number?"

chapter fifteen "how did you get this number?"

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"Here are the files."

"Thanks." I give my colleague a straight smile indicating for him to walk away. Once he leaves I sigh taking a sip of my water. I sometimes hate this job. The phone on my begins to ring casing me to put on my fake persona.

"Hello you've reached Adalyn Wayne, how can I help you?" I hear someone chuckle on the other end.

"Hey Addy."

"Oliver." I state smiling ta the nickname.

"Yeah it's me."

"How did you get this number?"

"I still have it from our interview."

"Oh yeah of course. What's up?"

"I wanted to ask you if you wanted to catch up sometime?"

"Like with team arrow?"

"No just the two of us."

"Like a date."

"Yes like a date! What is this 20 questions?"

"Sorry." I state laughing. I hear him laugh in reply.

"So is that a yes?"

"Sure, why not." I reply leaning back in my chair. "Where and when?"

"Tonight I'll message the address of the place."

"Ok, I'll see you then."

"Bye." I hang up the phone smiling.

"Who was that?" I look up to see Grayson smirking down at me.

"Oh shut up." I state looking down at my work. I glance up at him with a smile causing him to laugh.


I walk up to my front door searching for my key in my bag. I pause as my eyes lock onto a black box placed out the front of my door. I pause checking my surroundings. There have been enough instances in my life to cause me to be cautious. I slowly approach the box checking for any strings attached. Nothing. No sound coming from it either. I pick it up slowly. I unlock the front door to my home before walking in. I place the box on the counter, my bag next to it. After opening the box my expression relaxes, there placed on crate paper was a note.

"A gift, for you. Oliver."

I smile to myself as I unwrap the package. There folded neatly is a silk emerald green cocktail dress. I laugh to myself.

"Ok Oliver, I'll wear the dress." I mutter walking through my apartment.

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