1.29 - let's go

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chapter twenty-nine
let's go

I open the door to my place before slamming the door

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I open the door to my place before slamming the door.

"Welcome back." Dick states from the couch as I throw my bag onto the dining table. Kory stops eating her bowel of food at the bench to watch me.

"Oliver not joining us?" Dick questions.

"Im not allowing him to." I state walking across the room.


"Yeah he has a kid so I said he couldn't fight." I state sitting down opposite him.

"Hmm." I nod.

"I cant let him get himself get killed. I cant let William loose his father."

"I know your relationship was strained with Bruce but that doesn't mean it'll be the same with Oliver and his son." I sigh.

"Im not risking it." I state looking down. "Where's Rachael and Gar?"

"They went for a walk, why?"

"Cause the sooner this is over the better." I stand up. "We need to end this tonight." Dick stands up looking at me.

"Now?" He questions walking up to me. He grabs my shoulders causing me to look up. "We don't have to do this right now. We can plan further." I sigh looking down. "You know you get taken by your emotions, it gets ugly."

"Okay." All of a sudden an explosion is heard causing us to break apart. I run towards the window. "Shit. It's him." Kory moves towards us as I run towards my room finding my suit.

"Im going to call Rach and Gar, to make sure they're alright."

"It looks like we don't have a choice." Dick states as Kory begins her call. He walks towards his suitcase on the dining table. "We need to end this tonight."

Third Person POV

Oliver runs into the bunker as sirens ring out. Team Arrow is waiting in the response to the call to meet up.

"We need to suit up." Oliver orders as everyone complies.

"Where's Adalyn?"

"We will meet her there."

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