1.7 - you can't hide

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chapter seven
you can't hide

A commotion erupts from the far side of the office from the elevator

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A commotion erupts from the far side of the office from the elevator. A crowd gathering. When the crowd breaks I get a glimpse of Oliver Queen.

"Shit." I mutter to myself ducking my head and hoping he doesn't see me. I watch out of the corner of my eyes as he walks over to my boss who looks dreamily towards him. I watch as she points in my direction. The two of us make eye contact as I turn my head away. After a few minutes, I feel a presence beside me.

"Hello, Adalyn." I turn and around to face him. My face contorts to a guilty smile.

"Can we talk?" I look around to see everyone starring at us.

"Yeah, follow me." I stand and lead the two of us out of the office and to a spare room before locking the door.

"Have you decided yet." I look away moving a few steps back.

"Look, I have been thinking about it but..." I pause thinking. I've never told anyone about this part in my life as this was supposed to be a new start.

"Look you can tell me." He states moving a piece of hair behind my ears. Butterfly's fill my stomach.

"No, it's fine um." I state sighing, "Back when I lived in Gotham my life wasn't your usual life." Oliver nods crossing his arms. I look away combing my hair with my fingers. "I use to be Batman's sidekick." I look up at him, "I use to be Onyx."

"That explains a lot." I laugh nervously.

"Yeah." I look up and make eye contact with him. "I promised myself when I moved here that I would never partake in that life ever again."

"Look I respect your decision to not join the team." He states, "I get it, this life isn't easy."

"You can say that again." The two of us fall into an awkward silence.

"Well, I should probably go back to my desk." I state pointing towards the door.

"Yeah of course." He replies opening the door, "Oh and thank you for trusting me with your secret."

"Thank you for trusting me with yours." He flashes me a dazzling smile causing me to grin in reply.

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