1.30 - the fight I

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chapter thirty
the fight I

I look down the road to see fire catching building left and right

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I look down the road to see fire catching building left and right. I take a deep breath as I fix my mask. I stand beside Dick dressed as Onyx. My leather leotard is tightly around my torso fastened with an armoured corset. The black shirt flows from my waist in the wind along with my long black cape.  Beside me Dick is dressed as Nightwing, behind is Kory, Rachael and Gar who are prepared too.

"You know the plan, now let's execute it." Dick orders. I pull my extendable metal fighting stick as Dick runs towards the fire. A group of Jokers goons run around the street as we move towards them. I move towards the left side as I begin to swing my stick around making contact. I continue to attack as I watch the Titans work together to take Jokers goons down.

"Miss Wayne." I turn to see Harley as I smirk.

"Quinn." I respond. She lunges towards me. I dodge her before hitting her in the back. She stumbles forward as she pulls a knife out of her pocket. She begins top swing it towards me as I dodge her. She laughs punching me in the stomach. I stumble back a few steps as she advances towards me. I drop out of her way. I spin kicking her as she falls back. I kick her a few times. She doesn't move so I smirk striking my next attacker.

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