1.17 - killer found

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chapter seventeen
killer found

We remain silent as the two of us enter the elevator

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We remain silent as the two of us enter the elevator. I see out the corner of my eye Oliver look at me but I ignore him. I should have kept to myself. If I hadn't of gotten close to Oliver Queen and his team they wouldn't be in danger. The elevator doors open as I walk out.

"Oliver?" Diggle asks taking the two of us in. I walk to the other side of the bunker as he and Oliver converse in conversation. I begin walking back and forth thinking, formulating a plan.

The elevator dings opening the doors causing my head to turn in their direction.

"We found him, handed him into Lance." I smile to myself before continuing to walk, back and forth. The rest of the group drowned out. I pause listening before continuing my path, back and forth and back. How could he have found me. No one knew I was leaving except for my father and Dick. They wouldn't have sold me out. So how would he have- I stop.

"Of course." I whisper. "Thank you for dinner, but I must be going." I state walking pass the group.

"Wait." I don't stop. Oliver grabs my shoulder pulling me back. "Stop for a moment, let me help you."

"No." I reply looking into his eyes.


"Because this is my battle." I look deep into his eyes before continuing, "And I don't want you, any of you, to get hurt because of me." He places a hand to my cheek. I grab a hold of it before letting go. I take one last look at him before getting into the elevator.

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