1.6 - exercise is good for the mind

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chapter six
exercise is good for the mind

I place my hair into a high ponytail before walking out to my kitchen

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I place my hair into a high ponytail before walking out to my kitchen. I grab a banana and turn the coffee machine on. A knock at the door echos through my apartment.

"Come in." I state placing the coffee cup in the machine. I turn my head to see Grayson walk through the door.

"Good morning." He states walking in and taking a seat at the kitchen.

"Do you want coffee?"

"No, I'm ok." I take the cup out of the machine before blowing it to cool it down. I walk around the island bench before sitting beside him on a stool.

"What's new?" I question taking a sip from my mug.

"Um, I got a date with Dale."

"Doomsday Dale?"

"Yeah." He replies with a laugh, "We were talking and well he asked me out."

"Aww, that's great! Whereabouts are you going." I knew Grayson had taken a fancy to Dale, a member of the photography team at work. I refer to him as Doomsday Dale as he is obsessed with keeping his underground bunker stocked up in case of an emergency. It's quite funny if I'm honest.

"We're going to the new Chinese shop around the block."

"I haven't been there yet, you'll have to give me a review."

"Oh you know I will!" I laugh.

"Yeah, yeah I do." I quickly finish my coffee before washing the cup.

"Let me just get my phone and then we'll go." I run to my bedroom before grabbing phone. I place it in my back pocket before walking to the bathroom. I fix my hair the make it sleek and place some lipgloss on. Just in case. I walk back out to the kitchen.


"Took you long enough." I roll my eyes.

"Come on." The two of us walk out of my apartment.

"I like your two piece." He states winking. I laugh locking the door. He bought them for me that's why he likes them. It's consists of a mint green crop top and black and mint green ombré pants. The two of us walk out of the building and across the road to the park. We walk up to a park bench and begin to stretch.

"Ugh, I haven't stretched like this for a while." I state feeling my leg stretch out. The truth is I didn't stretch out from the fight I had with the thug in the ally way and I'm starting to pay for it.
All of a sudden Grayson begins to run off.

"Hey!" I state before untangling myself from my stretch position and running after him.
In a matter of minutes, I catch up to him.

"Did you have a head start, I can't remember?" I watch him roll his eyes as I giggle. I fasten up my pace running always from him, still laughing. After running for a while i start to slow down.

"I have no idea where you get all this energy."

"I've been training my whole life." I state jokingly. He laughs in reply. No one in Star City knows about my past life in Gotham and id like to stay that way!

"Do you wanna get coffee?" Grayson asks while hunched over out of breath.

"Yep." I state looking at him. He looks up at me before smiling.


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