1.33 - celebrations

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chapter thirty-three

I tighten my grip on Olivers hand as we all walk into the bunker

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I tighten my grip on Olivers hand as we all walk into the bunker. The police department had come and collected Joker and sent him to Arkham. The rest of his group was taken care of. A few of team arrow celebrates as we all begin to place our things away. I let go of Olivers hand and take my cape off. I move towards the back of the room and place it on a chair.

"You alright?" I turn to see Dick.

"Yeah." I respond smiling. "Ive had worse."

"Ive seen worse." I laugh wincing. I look around to see Kory, Gar and Rachel. I smile before moving my attention to team arrow.

"Hey!" Rene shouts causing us all to pause and look over. "We should celebrate."

"I agree." Curtis states.

"We could go to Thea's bar?"


"Alright." Oliver states with smile. "Get changed and we will meet in half an hour." Everyone begins to chatter and leave the bunker, travelling towards their homes to get changed. The titan members move towards us as Dick moves towards the door. "Adalyn." Oliver moves towards us. "Ill come and pick you up."

"Me or all of us?" I smile.

"All of you." He smiles in return. I smile as we walk towards the bunkers exit.

I walk beside Dick into a club owned by Oliver's sister Thea. Dick walk ahead with Kory as Rachel and Gar follow behind. I turn around to see Oliver run towards the entrance. I had changed into a tight black dress and my hair is in a high ponytail. He walks up to be before snaking his arm around my waist as we walk into the

"This is your sisters bar?" I question as we enter a party heaven.

"It was mine but I handed it over."

"Oli!" I girl who I assume is Thea runs over to us giving him a hug.

"Hey!" I smile at his affection for his sister. "Thea this is Adalyn, Adalyn Thea."

"Nice to meet you." I state holding out my hand.

"So this is the famous Adalyn." Thea states shaking my hand. I look over towards Oliver with my eyebrow raised.

"You talk about me?"

"Sometimes." He responds casually before walking towards the dance floor. He spins me around causing me to laugh before i place my arms around his neck, his around my waist. "I was thinking."

"Thats dangerous."

"That maybe we could try again, at our date?"

"Like a date do-over?"

"Yeah." He states. "The last one kind of ended abruptly." I laugh. "And I think we should give it another go."

"I'd like that." I smile. He leans in towards me as I follow his lead. We connect lips moving in harmony. This is where I belong.

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