1.16 - a real first date

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chapter sixteen
a real first date

chapter sixteen a real first date

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Adalyn's date outfit

I walk up to the restaurant before pausing

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I walk up to the restaurant before pausing. I look up through the window and see Oliver sitting towards the back of the room. I smile before entering the building.

"Hi, do you have a reservation?"

"Yes, Oliver Queen." The lady looks up at me with a curious look. I smile in response.

"Follow me." I follow her towards the back of the restaurant.

"Adalyn." Oliver states standing up with a smile.

"Thank you." I state to the waitress before turning towards Oliver. "Hi." I take a seat opposite him as he takes a seat too. "This is a nice place, I've never been here before."

"Neither have I. According to the online reviews it has nice food and even nicer staff." I laugh. "The dress look beautiful of you."

"Thank you." I reply with a smile. "Someone with good taste gave it to me."

A waiter places down a place of carrot cake "on the house". I assume since Oliver is the mayor he must get free things all the time. I take a bite as Oliver continues talking. I look up at him smiling. All off a sudden windows smash causing customers to scream. I stand up looking around for the attacker. I watch as a metal cylinder is thrown into the room. Oliver grabs me pulling me towards him as it explodes causing us to break apart, smoke filling the room. I cough as panic continues though the many people positioned through the room. I remain on the floor waiting. The smoke clears as I make eye contact with Oliver who too is laying on the floor.

"Are you alright?" He questions moving towards me. I nod as the two of us help the other up. I open my mouth to speak as my eyes look past his head. I freeze, my eyes growing. "Addy?" I keep my eyes on the wall behind Oliver, starring at the symbol marked on the wall. The recovering room around us begins to drown out, becoming quieter by the second. I feel Oliver shake my shoulder, attempting to get my attention but my eyes and mind remain on the wall behind. I shake head. How could he have hound me? How is he here? "Adalyn!" I snap out of my thoughts meeting Oliver's concerned expression. "What's wrong? What does the symbol mean?" I look at the symbol one more time before replying to him.

"It's nothing, I thought it was something but I was wrong." I grab my bag before smiling. "It's fine." He gave me an unsure look but doesn't decide to push the matter any further. "We should get going." I state opening my bag and grabbing out my purse.

"No it's fine I'll pay, wait here." I open my mouth to protest but he walks away. I look back over at the symbol displaying the letter J written blood. How could the Joker be in Star City?

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