1.11 - headquarters

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chapter eleven

The elevator doors open to display an underground bunker filled with high tech equipment

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The elevator doors open to display an underground bunker filled with high tech equipment.

"Woah." I walk forward to take everything in.

"Welcome to team arrow." I look up at him confused.

"I though it told you I didn't want any part of this."

"I just wanted to show you." I nod agreeing as he walks away from me and up to the platform containing multiple computer screens. I look around the room before my eyes lock onto a wall of costumes. I walk over to it examining the green suit.

"Nice huh." His voice whispers beside my ear causing me to jump in shock.

"Yeah, the green matches your eyes." I state looking up him with a smirk.

"Yeah I know." I can't help but laugh. I continue to walk looking at all the costumes displayed.

"You know I have one of these."

"You do?" Oliver questions amused.

"Yep, it's black and comes with a cute little skirt." Oliver laughs

"I'd like to see that."

"You would huh?" I state turning away.

"Yeah." I look up attempting to hide the blush creeping across my face. I feel him go still next to me. I turn to lol at him only to meet his gaze. I smile looking down. I feel him walk closer to me before he gently pulls my face up to look at him. I stare into his eyes feeling my heart beat increase. His face moves closer to mine causing me to hold my breath.

"May I?" I don't reply instead I connect our lips together. The two of us move in unison. He pulls me close me close to him as I place my hands around his neck deepening the kiss.. He smirks as the ding of elevator door opening sounds through the room.

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