1.9 - an unexpected visitor

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chapter nine
an unexpected visitor

chapter ninean unexpected visitor

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I awaken with a jolt sitting up. A knock is heard through my apartment. I lay back down with a groan. The individual knocks again. I sit up checking the time. 2:12am. I run my hand through my hair making my way to the front door. The knock is heard again as I open the door.

"Hi." There he stood, Oliver Queen. I look at him like he's insane. Which, at this time, he has to be.

"What are you doing here? Do you know what time it is?"

"Yes I do." He replies nervously., "Can I come in?" I raise my eyebrow at him before moving aside so he can come in. I've never seen him like this before, vulnerable.

"You've got a nice place."

"Why are you here, I told you I don't want to join."

"I'm not here about that." He states walking over to me. All of a sudden I begin to feel self conscious in my pjs. A few hours after I had fallen asleep I woke up and placed the photo frame back before having a shower and returning to bed.

"Why are you here then." I state once again crossing my arms over my chest.

"I need somewhere to stay."

"Wait why? I thought you were the mayor."

"I have some sort of infestation and they're not letting me back into my apartment until tomorrow night and I was coming from work and I remembered your apartment was here."

"Wait, how do you know where I live."

"I have people, um look it's not important." He states running his hand through his hair. "Can I stay here tonight?"

"Yeah sure." I reply yawning.


"Yeah." I look up at him, "If you don't mind sleeping on the couch." He laughs in reply.

"Yeah that's fine." I smile walking over to my closet to retrieve a few blankets and pillows. I walk back over to him as I place the supplies on the couch.

"Is this all you'll need?" I question.

"Yeah, thank you." The two of us make eye contact for a second before I look away.

"Ok, well goodnight." I walk over to my bed before laying getting in and laying down, the covers engulfing me. I look up at the roof thinking about how Oliver Queen is sleeping in my apartment. I look over the cover as my eyes meet him shirtless form. My eyes widen taking in his chiseled abs. I look away snuggling up into my blankets and shutting my eyes. My mind wonders thinking about the past few weeks, this drifted me into an uneasy sleep.

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