1.14 - "once a hero always a hero, right?"

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chapter fourteen
"once a hero always a hero, right?"

"Well yeah, I mean being a reporter has its perks but you know it gets hard when there's no coffee in the pot

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"Well yeah, I mean being a reporter has its perks but you know it gets hard when there's no coffee in the pot."

"So it's true what they say about reporters, all they drink is coffee." I laugh as the elevator doors open.

"I guess you could say that." I reply still laughing. Both Curtis and I walk into the building causing the group to face up. My laughter subsides as I meet Oliver's smiling face.

"Did you get it?" Felicity questions, her words like venom. My face hardens as Diggle gives her a look.

"Uh yeah." I state hurrying up my pace. My face drops as I walk onto the platform. I awkwardly sit down and dig the USB out of my bag. I feel an individual move closer to me before a hand is placed on my shoulder. I breathe out a sigh as I realise it's Oliver's hand. It's crazy how a single persons touch can calm another. I quickly plug the USB into the computer and wait for it to download. "It'll only take a second." I state breaking the silence.

"All good, take your time." Diggle replies. The screen loads as he finishes. I quickly get to work setting it up. It didn't take me long. There on the screen displayed a heat signature of a man walking through the back streets of Star City.

"Is that him?" Oliver asks.

"Yep. Every where he goes you will be able to find him, so even if you don't catch him the first time there will be another chance waiting for you."

"Woah." Curtis states. I stand up and move out the way so Oliver can inspect.

"Thank you." He states turning to me and kissing my forehead. "Everyone suit up." I smile ejecting the USB and placing it back in my bag. I quickly busy myself as the team grab their suits and begin to change.

"Excuse me." Felicity states from behind me.

"Oh sorry." I quickly grab my bag and move so she can sit down at the computer. She doesn't reply instead puts a headset on. I roll my eyes before my eyes settle on Dinah walking over to me completely suited up.

"Thanks." Dinah states rubbing my shoulder.

"No worries, happy to help." She smiles before walking away. "Nice stick." She turns to me smiling before turning around and saluting me with two fingers. I smile before scanning the room for Oliver. I spot him placing his mask on. I quickly walk over to him to say my goodbyes because no way in hell was I staying here with Felicity. I watch as Oliver picks up his bow as I arrive in front of him. "I'll let you get going with your er work." I state smiling.

"I though you said you didn't want any part of this."

"I guess I can't help myself sometimes." I reply, "Once a hero always a hero, right?" I smirk in his direction before walking away from him and over to the elevator, the doors open as I get in. I turn and give Oliver a small wave as the elevator doors close.

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