1.5 - an offer for miss Wayne

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chapter five
an offer for miss wayne

chapter fivean offer for miss wayne

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"I'm sorry I'm late."

"Oliver?" I stammer, "But but how?"

"It's a long story, look this is why I wanted to meet up." I look at him blankly.

"I saw how you fought off that guy and how you fought me." He states, "I want you to join team arrow."

"Team arrow?" I question looking around.

"You seem to have the training needed for this." I look into his eyes.

"How about I think about it." I state crossing my arms and turning around beginning to walk away.

"Wait."  He grabs my arm turning me around. Butterflies fill my stomach as I look up at him. He places a piece of paper in my hand.

"If you accept my offer ring me." I didn't even get a chance to reply before he shot an arrow and swung away. I run my hands through my hair.


I place the note on the kitchen counter before walking over to the couch and falling onto it. Oliver Queen is the green arrow. I run my hands through my hair comprehending the newly found information. He is just a rich playboy! In what universe are the crime-fighting vigilante and playboy the same person? This one apparently. I lay down on the couch. A picture frame catches my eye. It's a photo of my dad and I when I was maybe 13 year old. I'm shown to be holding a long stick and my dad well, he is standing there looking down on me. It has always been my favourite photo of the two of us as it caught a rare moment of him showing pride for me. Our relationship wasn't like a normal father daughter relationship, he bought me up to look danger straight in the face, to fight instead of flight. I pick up my phone. Should I call him? No, I can't. I can't go back into that life. I place my phone down on the coffee table and walk towards my bedroom. I walk into the bathroom of my apartment which is attached to the bedroom and turn the shower on. I quickly undress before letting the hot water wash over me and my problems.

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