1.10 - morning coffee

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chapter ten
morning coffee

I awaken to the sound of the tv playing

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I awaken to the sound of the tv playing. I look around confused before remembering about my new housemate. I look at my alarm clock reading 9:23am. I sit up waking myself up. I stand up before grabbing an oversized jumper and walking out of my room.

"Morning." I state looking at Oliver, who is still shirtless.

"Morning." I busy myself in the kitchen getting two mugs off the shelf.

"Do you want tea or coffee?"

"Coffee please." I hear him walk over to the bench to sit down. "How did you sleep?" I turn around to face him before replying.

"Fine." I start the coffee machine before speaking. "And how was yours?"

"Yeah good." The machine beeps indicating the drink was ready. I give Oliver a small smile before turning around and grabbing the cup and placing it in front of him. I turn back around grabbing my cup and making a tea. I pick up the tea just made and walk around to sit on the seat beside him at the bench.

"So." I speak, "When is your problem going to be fixed?"

"Should be sometime soon." He states playing the cup on the bench. I nod in reply. "Don't worry though I have a place to stay tonight." I nod once again as a small feeling of sadness rushes over me. I sigh shaking it away.

"Well that's good." I state as he smirks at me, "I mean that your place is getting fixed soon." I hold eye contact with him as he continues to smirk. "What are you looking at?" I question raising my eye brows. He looks away laughing. I give him a confused expression before taking another sip of my drink. I watch as he sculls the rest of his drink. He places it down before looking back at me. I give him a questioning look moments he bursts out laughing. "Why?" I question causing him to laugh more. He stands up and walks over to the window on the other side of the room. I roll my eyes before grabbing both our cups and placing them in the sink. I fill them both with water as the left over liquid from my cup fall over the sides. I look back over to Oliver, he sighs finally his laughing has stopped. "What was so funny huh?" I question placing my hands on my hips.

"Your cute when your angry." My mouth opens a bit shocked from the compliment. He chuckles before talking.

"May I?" He questions pointing to the bathroom.

"Sure."  I watch as he walks into the bathroom and out of my sight. I let out a long sigh. "Keep it together." I whisper to myself in an attempt to slow down my heartbeat. I quickly walk to my room and change out of my pjs and into a yellow maxi dress matching the sunny day. I look at myself into the mirror wondering if it's the right dress however I don't get time due to the opening of the bathroom door.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were changing." Oliver states looking at anywhere but my way.

"No it's fine I'm finished." I follow him into the lounge room of my apartment. I could tell by his body language he was anxious.

"Are you-"

"Can I show you something?" He states interrupting me.

"What?" I question as he turns around to face me.
He slowly walks over to me. I raise my eyebrow as he talks both my hands in his. "Can I show you something?" I give him a surprised expression cause him to shake him head.

"No nothing of that kind." He quickly states looking embarrassed. "It's a place."


"Ok?" He questions surprised.


"Ok um grab what you need and we'll get going." I nod in response before walking over to my closet and getting my side handbag. I place a few essential items in the bag before making my way back to Oliver.


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