1.25 - titans

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chapter twenty-five

We follow Dick up to the Main Street to see a group of people

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We follow Dick up to the Main Street to see a group of people.

"Who is this?" I question. Dick walks up to them as I stop. Oliver stops beside me as Dinah, Curtis, Rene and Diggle stop behind us.

"This is Kory Anders, Gar Logan and Rachel Roth." Dick explains. I look at a young goth girl, a boy with green hair and a girl with pink hair. "These are the Titans." I look at the group not sure what to say. Oliver looks at me before speaking.

"It would be great to have more help, thank you." Dick nods.

"I agree." I state walking towards them. "It's nice to meet you all."

"It's good to meet you too." Kory states.

"We've heard a lot about you." Rachel states with a smile. I smile in response.

"Do you have a place to stay?" I question. Dick shakes his head subtly. "If not you can stay at mine." I smile. "In my apartment." Dick nods. He gets into his car as the Titans follow. "I'm gonna get them settled in." I explain to Oliver.

"Are you angry?" He questions. I sigh.

"No. Thank you." I smile pulling him into a hug.

"You can stay here as long as you need." I explain opening up my apartment door. "I don't have much space but I hope it'll be ok."

"Adalyn?" I pause looking up.

"Grayson!" I state dropping my bag. "What are you doing here?"

"I got worried." He explains. Rachel, Gar and Kory walk into the room. "Who are these people?"

"This is my brother." I state pointing to Dick. "And his friends." I take Grayson away from the group before speaking to him. "Listen to me I need you to leave the city."

"What?" He questions concerned.

"I need you to trust me. Please get you mother and leave the city."


"You know that new hero?"

"Onyx?" He questions. He must have seen the news.

"It's me. I'll explain it all later but trust me when I say you need to leave."

"I'm sorry what?"

"Please!" I beg.

"Ok fine, just be careful."

"Always am."

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