1.31 - the fight II

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chapter thirty-one
the fight II

"Adalyn!" I hear Dick yell out from across the street I turn around before seeing a knife flying in my direction

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"Adalyn!" I hear Dick yell out from across the street I turn around before seeing a knife flying in my direction. I hold out my stick to deflect it but an arrow flies across the street deflecting the knife. I notice it's green. I sigh shaking my head. I run forward towards a man in a clown mask as I hit him with a stick, performing a move I've used many times. I hear him land behind me as I lay the final hit on the man causing him to fall down.

"I thought I told you not to come!"

"I saw the explosion." He states. Individuals begin to surround us as I feel him back up against me making sure we can see all sides. "This is still my city." I hear his arrows fly as I continue to fight. I see out the corner of my eye team Arrow. Oliver shoots an arrow before grabbing me. Together we swing across the street and land in an area not over run by goons.

"Look Adalyn." He grabs my head to look in his direction. "I care about you, okay? A lot! And I want to help you, to protect you. Im going to fight along side you." I smile towards him. I nod looking into his eyes. He looks past me getting serious. He grabs an arrow and pulls it back using the bow. I quickly turn around and get ready to fight.

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