1.26 - the plan

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chapter twenty-six
the plan

I grab the spare blankets out of the cupboard before placing them on the couch

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I grab the spare blankets out of the cupboard before placing them on the couch.

"If you need anything else please let me know."

"Thank you." Kory states. Rachel grabs the tv remote as she sits next to Gar on the other couch.

"Can we talk?" Dick questions. I nod. "Privately."

"I know a place." I state grabbing my keys. "We'll be back." I get a chorus of 'yep'. We exit the building as I take up to the rooftop of the building. I lead us over to the two lawn chairs overlooking the City. We sit down.

"How have you been?" I question looking out.

"Quit the small talk." He states with a laugh. "You and Oliver huh?" I shake my head.

"Shut up." I mutter. He laughs leaning back on his chair. I look over smiling at him. I've missed this.

"I can't believe he's back, and in Star City."


"How are you gonna stop it?" I pause thinking.

"I'm thinking we camp out and wait for him outside of the city so there's minimal damage. He's found me before so I know he can do it again. Then we'll attack and send him back where he came from."

"How do you suppose we do that?" Dick questions.

"That I'm sure about." I respond. "He won't go that easy."

"No." Dick agrees.

"We'll how about..." We continue to discuss multiple plans of attack all having a flaw.

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