Chapter 1

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"So that's why I believe aliens exist!"

That was Dib, my best friend since I moved here, which was about... 5 or 6 years ago. Dib can be very crazy sometimes, which occasionally has me feeling concerned for him. Not today though, I wasn't really listening to him and was in my own wormhole of thoughts. I only heard him say a few things, like he apparently saw a small spaceship heading our way. I didn't pay much attention to him, which was quite rude of me. Dib seemed to notice how I wasn't concentrating, and waved his hand infront of my face freeing me from my trail of thoughts.

"Hey, (Y/N), what's on your mind?" Dib stared into my eyes. Thing is, he's normally concerned when I don't concentrate, which doesn't happen often. Usually when I don't concentrate, I'm trapped in my brain, which was happening right now. Dib knows when I'm usually in this state, I become stressed by overthinking. What I'm thinking about? I hardly know myself, it's a mystery. But I think it had something to do with what Dib was talking about, even though I was hardly paying any attention. I couldn't tell if something good or bad was going to happen very soon.

"It's nothing, just my usual self." I smile weakly. Dib could clearly see the bags under my eyes and decided not to comment on it.

"Would you like me to take you home?" Dib asked. It was starting to get dark, and with winter right around the corner, I knew I should be heading home. Chances are it was going to be cold, and with it being mid September, I knew it was going to get colder and colder as months go by. So I nodded to answer his question.

Dib normally walked me home, sometimes Gaz would come. Personally, it wasn't a problem for me. Sometimes Dib didn't want her to come, which lead to an argument. This time however, Gaz didn't come, it was just me and Dib walking to my house in a very windy breeze. Thank god it wasn't pitch black. Sometimes I wonder why Dib takes me back to my house so often. Doesn't he get cold? He could get seriously ill. But somehow, he'd rather have himself be ill than have me walk home alone in the dark. How thoughtful of him.

Without informing his parents, Dib stepped out of the house and offered his hand out to me. I gladly took his hand and smiled. His parents nowadays never payed attention to him, so he never bothered with them. Finally, we started the trip back to my house. Fortunately, It wasn't to far.

About halfway there, I stopped in my tracks, so did Dib. He and I couldv'e sworn we heard something. And we both looked up into the sky. Dib was right for once. There it was, a tiny spaceship heading towards earth, how strange. Dib and I both stared at the spaceship wide eyed. I turned my face to him.

"Dib.... Grab your phone. Now." He did as I instructed and grabbed his phone out of his pocket. I held put my hand for him to give me the phone. He had a password but we trusted eachother, so I had his password and he had mine. I opened the phone, went on the camera and pressed record. It was only for a few seconds, it was enough time for a video like that.

"I have a way for the whole school to believe your alien theory. This video should be enough proof, shouldn't it?" I look at Dib. Instead of answering my question, he grinned. I gave Dib his phone back. Immediately after he placed the phone in his pocket, he hugged me and spun me around in circles. I giggled at this.

"Thank you thank you thank you!!" He smiled. I patted his back.

"Anything for a friend." I smiled.

We let go of the hug and carried on with our little walk. By now it was about 7pm, so it was pitch black. Amazing how quickly it could get dark. We were almost at my house by now, but my parents wouldn't get mad at me. After all, my mum works 24/7 and my dad..... I never really played attention to what he did anymore. Neither did they care what I did. So our relationship was distant, like Dib and his parents. It's nice to feel like I'm not the only one with the problem.

And this was my stop, Dib noticed this and let go of my hand. I didn't even notice we were holding hands in the first place. Now, this is Dibs friendly nature, well, at least it is around me. He's been walking me home since I was 8. Its been a routine ever since.

"Thanks Dib." I smile. Then frown. "You sure you're going to be alright walking back on your own?"

I always ask this, and it's the same answer again and again. "I'll be fine" he says. But I still worry. He is my friend after all. It was right to worry about him. Who knows what type of people are out there.

"(Y/N), it's ok. If you don't see me at school tomorrow then you can worry." He laughed. I don't usually find it funny. Neither does he when its the other way around. But like always, I let him walk back.

"Bye Dib!" I waved, he waved back and said something. But he was at the far end of my street so I couldn't hear him. I shut my front door as he was getting out of my sight now.

'Its only 5 minutes, he'll be alright.'

I tell myself.

I just finished my meal and washed the dishes. Now it was 10pm, I was waiting for my mother to get home, she usually prepares food for me. Strangely, she wasn't back yet. And my dad, he was out as well. So I just frowned and went to bed.

My bed was comfy, so but wasn't hard to get comfortable and go to sleep in. It really had that effect on me. I manage to drift off into a deep sleep.

But got woken up at 2am by car sirens and all sorts. I rub my eyes and groan, then get up and check what all the commotion was about. I open my curtains and find a new building, an odd looking house.

The house was small, and did not match the 2 houses next to it. A small, cyan house. At least, from the lighting it looked cyan. The house was newly built, but how? It made no sense. There wasn't any building construction earlier. Plus, It would take days to build a house, even weeks. The weirdest thing about it all was that there were metal pipes connected from that house, to the two houses next door to it.

How strange. I wasn't familiar with this house as I've never seen anything like it, nor have I seen anyone build it. I looked more closely and thought I spotted a green dog, and the back of someone's head. He looked rather short, and had black hair. Then he opened the door and I saw 2 mother and father figures of robots, they said something but I couldn't hear them since my window was closed. Then he walked in and the door shut. And that was when the car sirens stopped.

"Weird." I mumble. Then I close the curtains again and walk towards my bed. I tuck myself in to bed and sleep in a comfortable position. I have to admit, it was hard falling back to sleep, but I was thankful I managed to do so.

Whatever that was back there, I was determined to check it out after school tomorrow....

Word count : 1322 words


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