Chapter 30

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It's been about a week and a few days since the incident. I had the week off of school to recover. Still, I was surprised coming back to find out that half the school was worried for me as they heard nothing from me or about me until I came back. The school day, on the first day back, it wasn't interesting to be honest. So there's no point going through what happened there. -Oh! And I'm dating Zim now!

Right now, my friends were having dinner over my house. Sat at the table were me, my mother, Dib, Gaz and Zim.

It appeared that I was staring at him for a while, deep in my thoughts. Zim blushed while Gaz managed to snap me out of my trail of thoughts once again. Typical Gaz.

"What are you thinking about this time, (Y/N)?" Gaz asked. This time, the best way for her to get my attention was to slap me on the head. But no one made a big deal about it since they all knew it was only a joke and not serious.

"It may sound weird, but.." I started, looking at my plate. "Not even I know..."

"Interesting....." Zim pondered, earning a stare from Dib. Yes, Zim and Dib still didn't get along well. While they were considered friends, I would put them in the 'freinemy' category.

Nothing was said after Zims comment, and I liked to keep it that way. We needed to finish our food anyway....

Once we finished food, we all played a bunch of video games in the living room, since I never owned a tv in my room. Sat on the large couch was me and Zim. Dib didn't want to be near Zim so he sat on the arm chair. And Gaz, she was sitting my gaming chair. Zim and I kept watching the screen, while Dib was on his phone.

Without any of us noticing, Zim leaned his head on my shoulder. It wasn't until minutes later that I noticed. I smiled once I looked at him. And sooner or later, I let him lay on my lap, still keeping his head turned to the screen.

Before any of you ask, my mum knows that Zim is an alien, she knew after Zim saved me the other night. Of course, I couldn't give all the credit to Zim, Dib and Gaz helped too. Even William helped, despite him failing in the end. Still, it was nice of him to try. And to be honest, it wasn't his fault he failed to get me out of the place, it was mine.

Dib finally came off of his phone and narrowed his eyes at Zim. Considering he knew that me and Zim were dating, he was becoming very protective over his best friend, me. And before you think about it, no, Dib doesn't like me, him and I consider our relationship like a brother and sister type of relationship.

I rolled my eyes at Dib once I noticed him staring at us.

"Dib...." I laughed. "You're funny!"

He just smiled at this until he looked back at Zim. Now they were both having a staring contest while Gaz payed no attention.

"Zim, you break her heart, I'll snap your tiny neck." Zim just laughed at his comment on his neck. His attempt to roast him never worked.

"Your no different." Zim pointed at Dibs neck. It was true, the two of them had very slim necks.

(A/N: I'm surprised how their necks can support their heads lol).

Dib growled, then just laughed it off. The 'threat' he said to Zim was only a joke. I knew he'd never hurt Zim, especially for my sake.

The rest of the night was fine, it was actually quite fun.

It was now time to go home, but it was raining. Luckily, I told my mum ages ago about how Zim wasnt supposed to be exposed to the rain, so my mother bought him a yellow raincoat. And just to be extra safe, she got him an umbrella too.

We left the house after cleaning the mess that was made in the living room.

And finally, we were on a trip to take Dib and Gaz home. Zim suggested he'd come with me to walk Dib and Gaz home, and walk me to my house since he didn't want anything to happen. It was night after all.

It obviously didn't take long until both Dib and Gaz got to their house. We all said our goodbyes.

"I'll see you tomorrow (Y/N)!" Gaz waved and shut the door behind her and Dib. Now it was just me and Zim, walking back to my place.

It was rather quiet, but the silence with the ambient sounds sounded relaxing. It calmed me, and I felt like I could sleep there on the spot. But I knew I couldn't. Zim looked up at me and blushed, I did the same once I noticed this.

"(Y/N).... can you promise me something?" Zim asked out of the blue. This made me stop and crouch under his umbrella to look at Zim. I saw that his eyes were on the ground, staring at a nearby puddle.

"What is it?" I asked, holding his free hand.

"Promise me that....... that we're in this together.. And that no matter what, you'll always love me...?" Zim asked, now staring into my eyes.

As sad as it may be, I couldn't guarantee that I'll love him forever, since that was fate's choice. But I know one thing for sure, I know that I love him now, in the present. And to be honest, that's all that mattered to me...

I looked back into his eyes, oh that face...

"Zim...I can't promise that... I don't know what the future holds..." He sighed, releasing the tension from his shoulders. He really felt saddened that I would say such a thing. And it pained me to see him that way. "But I can promise you one thing"

"What?" He asked, now getting rid of the sad expression on his face. I held his chin up so that he was facing me. Then, I kissed his cheek, leaving him flustered.

"I promise that no matter what happens, I'll be your teammate. Your partner in crime. I'll always be by your side! Because we're in this together..... Zim..."

Word count : 1077 words


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