Chapter 5

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No matter how hard I try, I still can't get Zim off my mind for some reason. It's starting to frustrate me! I can't be over Dibs place if all I'm thinking about is Zim. And I definitely CANNOT hang out with Gaz if it's Zim I'm thinking of. She can read me like a book! If she found out I've been thinking about Zim who knows what she's going to ask me!

I don't even know why I'm thinking of him all of a sudden. I guess it's the fact that I'm going to be meeting him somewhere tomorrow and it's got me nervous. I mean, I have every right to be nervous about the meet, I don't know what Zim is planning, I haven't got a clue to what he's capable of...

But Gaz wouldn't judge me, right? She's pretty nice once you get to know her, and she's not the one to judge her friends...

Still, I'm pretty anxious about this whole thing...

Before I start to jump to conclusions, I always think... 'I don't like him, I don't even know him enough to have an opinion on him', and that's when my mind decides to shut up.

"Uhh.. (Y/N)? Are you going to eat..?" Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. I'm having dinner over Dibs house since my mum didn't have enough time to make me anything. It was Dib who snapped me out of my trance and not Gaz, thankfully. Although Gaz was eating at the table with me and Dib and kept staring at me, I paid no attention to her whatsoever.

"Oh sorry! I'm just-"

"In deep thought. She's thinking about someone." When I say Gaz can read me like an open book, I mean it. There's an example for you. I nodded at her and Dib smirked at me.

"Dib, don't even think of starting a conversation or start teasing her." Gaz looked at Dib and rolled her eyes. Then, she and I went back to finishing our food.

"Alright. But whoever it is, I have to meet them first." I laughed and shook my head. Dib was always protective over me, but that's Dib for you. He was the friend who always defended me and has my back in every situation. Whether it was arguing, or even just a joke, he took things seriously. He has laughs now and again though when it's a topic like that.

'I think he already has...' I thought. Basically responding to him, except he obviously couldn't hear me because I didn't say it out loud.

So I was having dinner over there, but not sleeping over. Gaz said she was busy with homework and I can understand that. So after we finish eating, Dib is going to take me back to my house. And who knows what time my mother and father will be back by. And although I still have Dib and Gaz to hang around with, I still feel lonely. It's not very nice when you've been ignored by your parents all your life, both Dib and Gaz understood that. I had Zim off my mind by now, but not my parents.......

Me, Dib and Gaz were all sat at the lunch table. Nothing was said as I was looking around the lunch hall. My eyes were on Zim, but only because I saw Keef run up to him. It seemed like Keef was annoying him. At first glance, I was going to help. But when I thought about it, I shook my head. I didn't want to be involved or Keef would be annoying me instead. So I sat there, quietly. That was until Dib spoke up.

"So, my house after school?" Dib asked me. Now, usually it would be a yes. And by now it wasn't really a question anymore since I always go to his house after school. The weekends I normally have to myself. I shook my head, remembering that I had to meet Zim later.

"Sorry Dib.. I'm actually a bit busy tonight.." I didn't tell Dib that I was going to meet Zim after school because they hate eachother. Atleast I can't let them know yet, not until I fix their relationship that is.

"Can I atleast walk you home.?" He asked. I shook my head again, telling him that he can't since I'll be 'going out straight after school'. And that technically wasn't a lie.

"....Ok then...."

Dib's POV:

"Stalking (Y/N)? That's creepy." That was Gaz. I quickly put my finger over her lips to quiet her. I don't want to blow my cover.

Yes, I was spying on (Y/N), but I have every right to!

She was acting rather weird today and kept her eyes on Zim. That's my job. I'm supposed to keep my eyes on that alien so that he doesn't try anything! Zim would look right back at her to. This went on for half of the class and I'm surprised Ms. Bitters didn't notice or say anything.

Was I jealous? No. I'm her friend! I just don't want anything bad to happen to her!

And Zim? He's bad. Very bad.

I have a feeling that (Y/N) and Zim are hanging out today. But I'm not 100% sure, so I'm following her!

(Y/N)'s POV:

I waited in the same alley way as yesterday, waiting for Zim to arrive. It didn't take that long. But while I was waiting, I was deep in thought and wondering why I had to meet him here and not his house. Then again, he doesn't know that I know where he lives. I only know where he lives because of Dib, and I thank him for that. After a few minutes, Zim walked calmly into the alley way, like nothing went on. That's weird.

"Did you not get chased by Dib today?" I asked, surprised that he rush in here. Zim shook his head at my question.

"No... Even I'm surprised. He usually chases me back to my house..."

I looked around the place, rather suspicous about the situation. I know Dib better than that. Something's up. And I don't think it's good...

Word count : 1040 words


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