Chapter 14

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It was Dib. He was at the door. But why? Why on earth would he come to Zims house all of a sudden?

"Zim." Dib spat, letting himself in. I titled my head. Why did Dib show up if he despised Zim!? Unless he was planning something....

"Dib-Stink." Zim spat back. "Why are you inside my house."

"Show me." Dib demanded. "Show me everything."

Then Zim kept a cold glare at me, and I put my hands up in defence.

"I have nothing to do with this."

"She's right. Don't blame her." Well I was glad Dib and I were on the same page. "Come on Zim! I've already saw your robot dog! Who knows what else is hiding here!"

Now Zim knew. It wasn't me to blame, it was Gir's fault. Still, If it was me instead of Zim, I wouldn't punish Gir the way he'd usually be punished. And I'm not saying it's any sign of abuse coming from Zim. I just mean that I wont yell at Gir like Zim usually does to punish him.

"No." Zim simply replied to Dib. He seemed furious and walked right up to his face. "Human. Get. Out. Now."

Dib refused to follow by Zims rules, and that made him angrier than ever. I didn't expect Zim to do this, but he grapped Dib by both of his shoulders and forced him outside. Right after that he slammed the door shut. And I know it's not anything crazy, but it was just... unexptected. Then again, Dib did technically break into someones house so Zim had every right to push him out of it.

It was also unexpected for Dib to casually walk into Zims house.

It made me wonder why he came here in the first place. It obviously wasn't because of Gir since beforehand, he never knew that Gir was a robot. So why and what was he doing here?

"I'm going to have to talk with Gir!" Zim crossed his arms and walked towards the robot. But not before I grabbed his hand to stop him.

"Let me talk to him." Zim thought about what I said and hesitated at first. But he let me chat with Gir anyway, seeing how I wasn't going to hurt him.

You see, Zim had feelings for the little robot too. As much as he'd probably hate it, but I considered their relationship like a father and son. Despite Zim yelling at him and bossing him about, I knew that underneath all that, he really cared about Gir. He just doesn't like to admit things. So why did Zim let me talk to him? Because he trusted me and knew I wouldn't do anything to harm him or Gir.

So I talked with Gir.

After the talk, Gir made sure to put on his disguise just incase he goes out and forgets to put it on like last time.

But I'm home now and my mum was in the house too. As surprising as it may seem. I never had a chance to talk to her in months, and if I was planning on doing it anytime soon, I should be the one to do it now.

She had no work today. I thought she'd be out with her friends or wherever she usually goes on a day off, but no, she spent it at home.

And I knew this would be the perfect opportunity to strike up a conversation with her. But I had a feeling it would be awkward at first.

"Hey... mum...." I greeted her. She was on the couch, watching tv at the moment. But I knew it wouldn't hurt for her to miss a bit of her screen time.

"Oh. (Y/N)." She looked at me and what I was holding. Which this time, was a tub of ice cream. Then she looked back at the tv and decided to comment on my eating habbits. "Try not to eat too much ice cream. It's unhealthy."

I must've took it the wrong way because I thought she was calling me fat. Which by no means does fat always mean unhealthy. Weight looks different on everyone.

"Are you calling me overweight?"

"No! No! I just want my daughter to be healthy. It's the first step to having a perfect life." She kept her eyes on the tv, but somehow saw me frown.

'Not this again....'

Why was I thinking this? You'll just have to wait and see.

"Can we please talk about something else?" I asked her, not wanting to shed a tear.

"How's school? How're your friends?"

Now that's a better topic to talk about.

"Good actually! I have a friend called Zim! He moved on our street about a week ago!" I smiled, thinking about how his attitude changed from rude to nice within a week. Of course he was only really nice around me.

But seeing how I said he moved on my street, this made my mother think for a while.

"Does he live in that weird looking house over there?" She questioned, pointing out the front window the only house that stood out. Thinking about it now, he should've built a house that actually matches the rest of the neighborhood. It does look rather odd.

I only nodded at her question.

"Hm." She now looked at me. "Are Dib and Gaz alright?"

"Yes mum." I smiled, rolling my eyes. "Just because I have other friends doesn't mean they aren't my friends anymore-"

Then her phone buzzed. I could only make out the persons name before she snatched it away from the coffee table and started to reply to the text. Regina. The message was from Regina. She's my mums work boss. Must be something 'Important'. I wasn't lucky enough to see the messages, but apparently it was urgent buisness. Atleast that was what I was meant to believe. Then again, I've never been the easy person to deceive.

So I stood my ground.

"Listen, I'm sorry (Y/N), but I really need to go-"

"So you're leaving again?" I asked, not wanting to believe her. But I knew the truth. I knew she was going, but I just wasn't sure to believe the fact that it's because of her work. She nodded. "Why can't you stay?"

"It's urgent, (Y/N)! Something to do with work."

"Oh! So all of a sudden work is more important to you then your own fucking daughter!?" I shouted that question. It made me sad inside knowing that she cared more about work then her own family. The only thing she does for me is tell me that I should mind my language. And guess what? She said the exact same thing to me just now. To mind my own language.

"And to think I do everything in this house." She scoffed. What a bitch.

"No you don't!" I replied to her. Lies. She spoke lies. It's the only 'language' she knew how to speak.

"Okay then! Tell me, what do you do (Y/N)?" She asked, thinking that I was going to be left without words. Speechless. But no. I wasn't speechless. It was pathetic of her to think that I never do anything when infact, I've done everything.

"What do I do?" I started, trying not to yell and burst into tears. "I DO EVERYTHING FOR YOU!!!!"

I lost it. And regretted it.

Because now I didn't have a place to stay.

"Get out."

"Wait! I'm sorry!"

"I said. Get. Out."

Now I was speechless.

I didn't mean to yell and now I was kicked out for it.

The only option I had was to stay at a friends place.

And I immediately thought of Dib.

Word count : 1296 words


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