Chapter 26

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Mother's POV:

This was her second night staying at Zims house. Her friend was very nice to her and I trusted him. Hence why I let her stay over again, I knew they wouldn't try anything weird since they're only 14 year olds. Plus, I know my daughter better than she may think. I've been distant with her, but I've kept a record of her behaviour.

I only wanted to call Zim to check up on (Y/N). She had gave me his number earlier, before running off to see her friend. I quite like how she made another friend. She may have been well known at school, but she never had many friends. Infact, the only 3 friends before Zim that I remember her having were Dib, Gaz and (F/N).

But I am getting off topic here, am I?

I dialed the number and it didn't take long before I recieved an answer from Zim, her friend.

"Hello taller human!" He greeted. The nicknames he gave me were weird. Same as his use of language. I even sometimes think to myself about Dibs fictional stories and believe that Dib's the saviour and Zims the alien. Though i'd be considered crazy, like Dib, for saying that to anyone.

"Hello Zim!" Without him knowing, I smiled a little. "Can I speak to (Y/N)?"

After I said that I thought we had lost connection, as the call went silent. Lost for words, Zim furrowed his eyebrows. But I never took that as anything as I couldn't see it happening from the other line.

"I-I thought she was with you...." He stuttered. Then I went pale, and the call went silent again. But it remained silent for too long, to the point that Zim wondered if mrs. (L/N) was even on a call with him. "Taller human?"

"N-no.... she left to go with you..." If she wasn't with me or Zim, where could she be? She left 3 hours ago. Even Zim wondered what was taking her so long. I didn't have a clue where she went, but Zim. Zim knew everything....

"Taller human, may I speak with you in your house?"

(Y/N)'s POV:

My back was in pain and I had the urge to stretch. But when I tried to stretch out of my position, I couldn't. I opened my eyes to see what was blocking me from moving, except, I couldn't see out of them too.

Something happened. But when I tried recalling the events, my mind went blank. All I could remember was that Zim told me to stay at his place since I was in danger. Then, I went to my mums house and told her I was sleeping overs Zims house for a couple of nights, packed my bags, and left. But when my mind wandered to what happened next, I couldn't think straight, I had no memory of anything from when I closed my front door.

I shivered, the temperature dropped drastically once I heard footsteps.

"I never recalled the last time we talked?" I heard a deep voice say. Then they chuckled. "Do you want to catch up, (Y/N)?"

"Kidnapping a 14 year old!? Don't you have anything better to do!?!?" I snapped. I probably shouldn't have even opened my mouth, but I suddenly felt no fear.

"Actually, yes. But I need a favour, to help me get my life back on track again...." He spoke. 'Back on track!? Kidnapping someone just made your life a whole lot worse!' I thought to myself. Now, I didn't know who this guy was, and I think he would've remained annonymous for the time being, however, he did sound familiar to me. I just couldn't think properly right now as I've just been kidnapped by someone.

"What favour?" I asked, sounding a little intimidated. I then felt a hand grab me by the top of my shirt. I felt quick breaths on my face.

And let me tell you his breath stinks.

"Listen, I owe a couple of guys some money, I need you to pay them for me!" What he said sounded cringe. It was typical for this bloke, whoever was infront of me right now. But I never said anything about it.

"H-how will I pay?" Despite having those inner thoughts about this guy being cringe, I was still scared. And the way I spoke and acted showed it. I only asked this because I wanted to make sure that he wouldn't give me to a gang and do horrible things to me.

"Money, dumbass." He let go of my shirt and I heard him walk off to somewhere. But I never knew that he didn't leave the room. That was until I heard him grab something and speak.

"Now, you can either agree to me-" Suddenly, I felt like the pole that I was tied to shake. Something had hit it. "Or I'll give you an idea of what it'll feel like if I don't pay them."

Then I heard something drop to the ground. I had guessed he had thrown the object he wacked the pole with. But I never had any idea where.

"48 hours, (Y/N).... It'll be a shame if you don't get me what I want before then..." He let out a laugh. I heard more footsteps, but it wasn't him this time.

"Sir, t-they're here....." I heard a high pitched voice stutter.

"What!? Now!?" They were both seemingly a little scared. But the guy didn't want to show it. He was about to leave, but not before telling me something. "I'll give you an hour to decide. Maybe less, I'm very impatient."

I guessed one of them had left the room, I assumed it was my kidnapper. And I was actually glad about that. I didn't want to hear him anymore.

I shivered once I felt a hand on my face. Then I could see again, someone had pulled the blind fold off.

He was a young man, looking about 2 years older then me. He wore a labcoat, appearing to look like a younger version of Dr. Membrane. Except he wasn't. His hair was straight and the colour of it was ginger. His eyes, I never noticed them, I only made out his eyes were a cyan colour. He looked harmless, but I never knew if he was or wasn't harmless.

"Don't worry, I'll be sure to get you out of here...."

Word count: 1090 words


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