Chapter 4

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I was not excited to see Dib today, judging by how he was acting. But, school is school. I have to see him, I have no other choice.

"(Y/N), answer the door!" That was my mum speaking. She had a day off today. And instead of spending her time off with her own daughter, me, she does other things. But thats just how she is, I'm used to it now. "Hurry up then!"

I sighed and grabbed my school bag. Then, I rushed down to answer the door. Strangely enough, it wasn't Dib who knocked. I looked out and saw Gaz by the door. Perhaps Dib wasn't feeling well today. Gaz waved at me, and I waved back at her.

"Hang on a second, I have to get my shoes." I told Gaz. Which was true, I did have to put my shoes on, but I hadn't had my breakfast yet so I grabbed some spare pocket money from my purse. After putting on my shoes, I closed the door without saying a word to my mum. Habbit I guess.

"So, how are you?" I asked Gaz to get a conversation going.

"Good." Gaz replied. She never really keeps conversations going so they're usually one sided. But that's Gaz for you!

"Any reason as to why Dib isn't with you?" As soon as I asked that question, Gaz stopped in her tracks. I looked at her while her eyes looked from side to side. She really didn't look like her usual self today.

"He's......... somewhere. Honestly, he hasn't been acting much different than yesterday, but still very strange." Gaz, for once, looked worried for her older brother. It seemed odd to me, probably because I was never around her to see her show a lot of emotion. Sure, she was one of my great friends, but we weren't as close as me and Dib were. But it was never an awkward friendship or anything like that, and thats good news. But back to Dib....

"Hm.... I'll try and see what's got to him. Is he coming to school?" Gaz nodded. "Well thats good news! Hopefully I'll be able to get him to talk to me..."

If anything,I just wanted my friend to stop acting so weird. He's got me worried, especially in class. Another thing thats been bugging me is the fact that Dib didn't knock for me to walk to school with him. He never even sent me a text saying that he wasn't going to call for me, which is strange. I just want him to open up to me as soon as I see him. Then, when he tells me his problems, I could try and help....

We'll just have to wait and see..........

It's now lunch time and I've managed to get Dib to tell me something about the situation. He's still upset about how I didn't defend him in class. That's strange, he never gets upset when I embarass him, because he knows I'm only joking. Of course I knew Zim wasn't human. I've told him that. But surely he couldn't be an alien! Maybe something from his past made him look that way.

However, now the both of us were sitting at the lunch table. Gaz joined for a bit, but got sick of the silence between us all, and moved. So, as you may have guessed by now, yes, me and Dib weren't talking to eachother. We hadn't fallen out or anything, but we just weren't speaking right now. Wasn't as much as a shock as it would be, I mean, I get why. I took the joke to far with Dib in class. Hopefully I'd be able to make it up to him.

It was starting to get to the point where I was sick of the silence and needed to speak up.

I kept looking at Zim, wondering if I should try and talk to him.... 'Maybe I should.....' I pondered.

"Alright, I'm sick of staring. Come on." I grabbed Dibs hand, he looked confused. Then he figured out what I was on about and lost his grip on my hand. I planned on fixing up his relationship with Zim, and the first step to it was for him to apologise to Zim. And hopefully then, I could introduce myself to him as he didn't really know who I was yet. To him, I was just a girl who defended him all the time.

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