Chapter 9

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I felt relieved. So relieved. It was all over. Still, I was slightly embarrassed at the fact I got so worked up over Dib. I know he's my friend. A friend would never mean to do such a thing. Dib is overprotective and I can see that. I'm pretty sure the whole school knows it by the way he acts towards me on a daily basis. He still looks at Zim and thinks he's a threat, but I don't believe that's the truth. And if he really is a threat, then he was probably threatened to do..... Whatever he was planning.

Skool. Now that stressed me out. I haven't managed to complete any homework or projects. So the weekend was basically another weekday to me. But Dibs smart, especially with science. That's why I plan to come visit him today. Plus, we can actually hang out like we did everyday. And on top of that, I can get some homework done. So can Dib. He's working on the same thing as I am, after all, we are in the same class.

I could also have a go at talking to him about Zim. Yes, I know his opinion on him. Briefly. All I really know is that Dib doesn't like Zim all that much, and that he thinks Zim is dangerous. I want to understand more about his opinion of the guy. Both ways. I also want to know Zim's opinion on Dib. But I could arrange for us to hangout another day.

Yeah... I seemed to plan my day before I went to bed and may have already ruined the plan. I was hoping to wake up nice and early to have time to do other projects before I pop over to Dibs place. That didn't work out for me. I overslept. Strange thing about this is that I never heard my alarm go off earlier. It was either very quiet or didn't even go off at all.

I got sick of the noise coming from my phone and shut the alarm off. Then, I checked the time. Though at first I was blinded by the brightness of my phone, I got used to it after a couple of seconds. My question was, how was it lunch time!? Surely I couldn't of overslept that much!! I never wake up this late whether I sleep in or I don't.

And it's nothing I'm happy about.

I sighed and got out of bed. I'd usually spend around 30 minutes scrolling through social media every morning but screw that today. I had no time for that since I was meeting Dib in an hour. I put on my dressing gown and slippers then made my way downstairs. The house was awfully quiet, apart from my echoing footsteps. Now I hate quiet, it's only a different story when I'm trying to go to sleep. Then I love quiet.

"It seems I'm having lunch for breakfast. How lovely." Consider it rare for me to speak to myself. Sure, I have conversations with myself, but not out loud.

I made myself some sandwiches with a packet of crisps, a chocolate bar and a drink. And I was a master at multi-tasking. I ate while I got ready. I ate while I got changed, brushed my hair, did my face, packed my bag. But definitely not while I brushed my teeth. After that I was out the door, and by now I had around 15 minutes to spare before I had to walk to Dibs house. Perfect amount of time for me to sit at the local park bench around my area. Now that was peaceful.

"Are you waiting for someone?" A voice interrupted my thoughts once again. A male. The voice was definitely sounding familiar. It was Zim! What an odd coincidence.

"No.." I replied. I never told him that I was meeting with Dib today since they hated eachother.

"Oh, so you don't mind if I sit here?" He asked and I shook my head. Then Gir came up to us, but he never said anything. All he did was sit infront of the bench me and Zim sat on.

"How was yesterday?" Ah, so that's why Zim wanted to sit here. I was confused about why he was sitting here and what conversation he wanted to start, but here we are!

"It went great actually, thank you!" I smiled. A tint of dark green flushed his cheeks. He appeared to be blushing, though it was odd to see someone's blush green.

"It's not like me to give advice to others, but somehow, you're an acception..." He had a slight voice crack on the word 'somehow', and I found that pretty funny. (In a good way). Then I thought about what he said. It made me feel nice that we were friends. It was nice to know he didn't hate me. It was also nice of him to stop ignoring me every time I helped him with something.

"I guess I am pretty lucky!" I chuckled, then looked down. I never noticed Gir left the bench, I guess he got bored or something.

"Well, I have to go and search for Gir now.." Zim stood up. I looked at him and waved as he started to walk away.

"See you soon my friend!"

Despite waking up late, I did manage to get a lot of work done with Dib. Not all, but most. I'm just happy I did one. One is better than nothing. It was kind of Dib to offer me food over his again, but I rejected the offer since my mother was cooking dinner tonight.

"(Y/N)?" Dib asked. I looked at him and tilted my head to the side, wondering what he was going to ask next. "Do you want to hangout tomorrow?"

"Sorry Dib.. I'm busy tomorrow.." Now that was a maybe since I didn't make any plans, but I was going to ask Zim if he wanted to hangout tomorrow.

"It's Zim, isn't it?" He asked, a little fazed. Well, there was no point in lying now, so I nodded.

"I know you don't trust him, but I promise you that I'll be okay!" I smiled. Still, he never said anything. "I'll hangout with you and Gaz on Monday after school."

After I mentioned that, Dibs face lit up. Atleast he doesn't mind that I'll be hanging out with Zim tomorrow. That idea seemed to get off of his mind pretty quickly.

"But can we all do something different. Like, can we actually go out somewhere?" I asked. It was getting boring staying inside all the time, I actually wanted to do something. Truth is, I had our day where we could all go out planned in my head. But whether it happens or not, It'll be nice to get out of the house and do something for a change. I wanted to go bowling, and I wanted to grab some food at a cafe. I clearly didn't care one bit that Monday was a school night. "I have that day all planned out in my head!"

He sighed and nodded.
"To be honest I've gotten bored of the same thing everyday too. It'll be nice to do something different..." He smiled.

I cheered and hugged him, he chuckled and hugged me back. I didn't really expect him to actually look forward to going out of the house, but he seemed to be looking forward to it. And that really surprised me.

"I'll have to tell Gaz about it after you leave." Dib mentioned. But I completely ignored what was said.

I may have Monday planned out, but not tomorrow.

Tomorrow, Zim was going to have an unnexpected guest at his door step...

Word count : 1300 words


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